Saturday, August 27, 2011

Allie's Photo Shoot

Mother said I could borrow the boys' blog today to share last night's photo shoot with you all! *Giggle* it was soooo fun to play like a Real-Life Model!

Mom especially liked the way that dusk turned everything blue...except for my PINK! *squee!* I loooove PINK!

Did she just PINK all over our Boy Blog???

Ewwww, she DID! She DID! Quick, air it out!!
*flaps paws*
Get the Lysol!! *run run run*


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sleepy Saturday

Since Mommy's been gone since last Caturday, we decided not to let her out of our sight, even when cat-napping. We've triangulated her location and have strategically placed ourselves where we can keep an eye on her (she can't sneak away THIS time!).

Faraday's napping on the recliner behind her computer chair.

Allie's napping on the window sill in front of the computer.

And Maxwell's got point, napping right next to the monitor.

You can't get away THIS time, Mommy!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011