Wednesday, October 31, 2018

A Scary Halloween Tale

There once was an unassuming little vent, sitting in an unassuming little hole in the carpet.
The vent was ignored for the most part by the humans (who should have cleaned it better, or at least dusted it once in a while).

Along came an inquisitive little kitty, who felt sorry for the vent and decided to give it some love.

A lot of love.
Too much love.

In case you wondered how this tale ended...
let's just say that we returned home recently and could not find a certain Siamese.
After much searching, and a bit of yowling, we discovered the Perp.

INSIDE the duct.

And he could not get out on his own.

Please note: we do own bookcases, quite a few, in fact.
But when you visit, you'll find stacks of books holding down various vents throughout the house, since somekitty has a peculiar fascination with our ventilation system...and the agile paws to pull the vents out and go exploring.

(reenactment photos  ;-)

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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

'Toon Tuesdays: Reality TV Edition

Anyone wanna binge-watch?

Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Writer's kitty problems

Seriouslies, Mommy.
Quite writing and pet me.
Like, nows, an' stuffs.


* * *  

Friday, October 26, 2018

Cozy Friday

Nothing's cozier than hanging in dad's lap.
Dictating your social media posts.
(good help is SO hard to find....)

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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

(almost) Wordless Wednesday


(or is it, 'skeptical kitty is skeptical'?
You decide.)


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(almost) Wordless Wednesday


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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

'Toon Tuesday: Overheard at Hallmark

ESPECIALLY when chocolate is involved.

Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, October 22, 2018

Dreams. Crushed.

Nat Geo Announcer (whispers): The Great White Hunter stalks the Introoder....
Boldly, he approaches his adversary, challenging for the right to Rule this Territory.

Maxwell: Dood. That's a ladder.

Faraday: I know that, Maxie. Sheeesh, can't a kitty have a little privacy with his daydreams?

* * * 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Remembering Summer

*sigh-h-h* Oh, how I miss you already...!

* * * 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Baby Fangs.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

'Toon Tuesdays: Uber Edition

(Uber, Lyft, you say tomato....)

Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday, Monday.

You know it's Monday when...

You tell the Brat to get off your cozy wooden shelf....

And he tattles to Mother about it.

Friday, October 12, 2018

True Bliss.

Bliss.... getting scritches. All the scritches.

Happy Friday!


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Don't look now, but....

Sunflower: "Psst! Kid! Hey, you!"

Faraday: Are you talkin' to me?
Sunflower:Yeah, you. Watch your step, kid. I'm lookin' at you.

Faraday: Pffft! You don't skeer me, you stinky ol' flower.
Sunflower: Who you calling stinky, kid?

** looms closer**
Sunflower: Want to say that again? To my face???

Faraday: **shrieks like a baby**

I DID NOT, MOMMY! I just meowed  at it.

Sheeeesh. Humans.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

'Toon Tuesdays: Bow-WOW

(Good thing he wasn't dressed as a Bonito Flake....)

Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Questions a cat owner should never answer #527

Mother, do these sunflowers make my butt look fat? 


Friday, October 5, 2018


Mother said to strike a pose, so I thought I'd play peekaboo with the grass.

Is it glam enough?


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Stunning Views

 (Pee Ess. She meant ME.)

But the double rainbow over the farmhouse was pretty cool, too, kiddo.

Yeah, right. Whatevs, Mommy.


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Toon Tuesdays: 10,000 what, again?

Would that be on his FitBoo? His FearBit?

Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Na x 16

Da Mommy is SUCH a NERD.
In case you were wondering what Na16 means....
Maybe this'll help:

♬ ♪ ♫ "Nananana Nananana Nananana Nananana BAAAT CAAAAT!" ♬♪ ♫

(fur-job free of charge)
