Wednesday, May 30, 2018

BirdTV™ crisis: Averted #sponsored

Faraday: Hey Maxie, check it out! I took matters into my own paws and single-pawdedly solved our BirdTV™ crisis.

: "Single-pawdedly" brat? Really? I think not.
That's the new OurPets® Bird in a Cage Electronic Action Cat Toy that Mother got for us to play with last week.

And by "us," I mean "me."  So... paws off!

FCC Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by OurPets®. We received this product for review at no charge. We also received a fee for writing this review. Receiving the free product and the fee did not influence our review in any way. All sponsored posts will always reflect our honest and unbiased opinions and feature products and information we feel is relevant to our readers. 

Faraday: hrmpf.  Fine, Allie. That's okay, I'll just grab me another one, since we scored a whole box full of new toys from OurPets®.

So I'll just take...

Maxwell: Uh, dood. Not that one. That one's mine.

Faraday: *grumble*
Where'd my "Baby of the Fambly" privileges go, Mommy?
Tell Allie to share her bird wif me an' stuffs.

I mean, it chirps and everything. Sees?

Maxwell: Hrm. Well-made, too, and the top twists off for easy battery access. (Although there is that little matter of needing opposable thumbs to do that....)

Let me just investigate it a little more closely here....

Allie: Paws OFF, Maxie. This little chirpy birdie and I have a play date together.

...right little chirpy bird?
(and for $19.99, it's much more economical than the bag of bird seed Mother keeps forgetting to buy *ahem*)

(moments later...)

What is this word of which you speak, Mother?
I'm afraid that doesn't translate into Kittenese today.

Maxwell: That's okay, Allie. I found my toy. I lubs me some Pounce House™.

You shoulda seen that thing spring open when momma took the white elastic band off. I was in that thing in a flash!

Faraday: Whazzis, Maxie? Looks like it needs batteries too.

Maxwell: That's the motor that makes the feather flip around like a bird.
Faraday: *perk* BURD? *runs into Pounce House*


Maxwell: Dood, it needs assembly first. Back off, let an expert mancat handle this...
That's it, momma — a little to the left...

It just pops right into the top there, and now it's ... PLAYTIME!

Yup, Maxie loves it. For realz.
(so does Allie, to no one's surprise)
It retails for $29.99 ~ Check it out!

We'll show the remaining three on Friday - be sure to swing by to see how much fun they are!

If you're interested in snagging one of these interactive toys for yourself, or for a kitty near you, OurPets® is offering a $5 rebate PetSmart gift card when you purchase one of their interactive toys at PetSmart.
The offer's good through July 1, and you have 30 days after that to mail in your rebate.

As with all cat toys of this type, it is intended for your cat to use on his own, however OurPets advises (and we agree) that they only be used while you're around to supervise, and that the toys be put away when not in use.

This post is sponsored by OurPets®. We received this product for review at no charge. We also received a fee for writing this review. Receiving the free product and the fee did not influence our review in any way. All sponsored posts will always reflect our honest and unbiased opinions and feature products and information we feel is relevant to our readers.

Like what you see? Let them know! Connect with OurPets® here:

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Toon Tuesdays: Goal Setting


Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, May 28, 2018

We interrupt this Memorial Day for a Special Announcement

Last Wednesday was a Big Day for the Mom:
it's the day her first science fiction book hit the streets!

This first-in-a-series book is a spinoff of the Intrepid Saga, written by M.D. Cooper.
It's a prequel, following the lives of two of the characters introduced in the book Outsystem.

If you enjoy fast-paced science fiction thrillers, you might enjoy this one.
You can purchase it on - paperback or Kindle - here!

Psst: Book 2 will publish on August 16!

And we kitties are officially Book Cats! WOOT!

 Faraday: Type alla WORDS, Mommy. Type them NOWZ.


Friday, May 25, 2018

Bird Watching #FAIL

Maxwell: Do you see any Allie?  I don't see any. 

Allie: *sigh* No, Maxie. My answer's the same as the last three times you asked.
I still don't see any birds.

It might have something to do with the empty bird feeder above your head, you know.
In case you were wondering.

(five seconds later)
Maxwell: Yeah, but...but...I still don't see any, Allie. Do you?

Allie: When did I get the ADHD brother, and is there any kind of a swap-n-shop for feline siblings I might visit?

Asking for a friend.


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

PeeMail # 421 & 422

So the mom is away for a few days.
And yup, Shenanigans again.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Toon Tuesdays: Scandalous!


Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, May 21, 2018

PeeMail # 418 & 419

So the mom is away for a few days.
And yup, Shenanigans again.


Friday, May 18, 2018

Who Cut The ....

Faraday: Hey Maxie, did you see this???

Maxwell: Uhhh, looks like a mousetrap, dood.

Faraday: Well, yeah an' stuffs, but Maxie ...'s, like, GINORMOUS.

Maxwell: Well, it was nice of Aunt Connie to give us a nice sturdy one.  Wasn't it?
Faraday: Seriouslies, Maxie. Don't you get it?

Aunt Connie prolly figures Daddy's got some mutated mousie radiation project down in the basement an' stuffs, an' ... an' ...

if we need a mouse trap THIS big, they're prolly, like, bigger than YOU.


Maxwell: Is that what they meant when they said "we need a better mousetrap"?

(Dood. It's a cheese cutter. Please refer to blog post subject line for more details.)


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

(almost) Wordless Wednesday

Behold, the rare and majestic Meerkat Meezer in his Native Habitat....



Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Toon Tuesdays: Purrfection

Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Kitty Grooming Tips

Faraday: Hey, Allie ...
Allie: *sigh-h-h* What, Brat?

Faraday:  Maxie's not around. Could you, like, groom the top of my head for me, an' stuffs?
Allie: Really. Tell me you did not just ask me that.

Allie: I mean, I could, I suppose ....

*whispers* But then my very sharp teeth will be dangerously close to your very delicate ear....

Faraday: *gulp* Uhhh, no, that's all right, Allie. I'm good an' stuffs. Reallys.

 (Five seconds later....)
Allie: What?!? Like he actually deserved to be groomed?

No court would convict me.
You know this, Mother, so don't give me that Look.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Lazy Friday

Just hanging out on a Friday...

How about you?


Thursday, May 10, 2018

A bit of light reading

Maxwell: Hmmm... What's this?

A scientific tome?

This requires further examination.

Ahh, yes. Atomic in nature, I see.

Definitely some heavy reading here....

Better give this one two paws down!
