Ever wondered how the ubiquitous cat meme is made?
Or how to make your own?
Here's how we did it:
First, the obvious. Something about the photo has to strike your funny bone.
Then, you need to figure out how to make it funny in as few words as possible.
As Maya Angelou once told our mom, this isn't easy.
One of the harder things she'd ever done was to write a greeting card, she told Momma. Because you had to be succinct, and you had to make every word count.
Our funny photo. Faraday's range of expressions are endless! Poor guy, so longsuffering.... |
Then you need to have a photo editing program. This doesn't have to be a fancy one. In fact, if you're on a PC, you can use Paint - and it comes native with the operating system. Or you can upload your image to
Picfont and make your meme in your browser.
If you wish to use an app on your computer, you need to install the font used to make memes: Impact. You can get Impact - for both Mac and PC -
at this link here.
If you use Picfont, select the
headline font - that's the online version of Impact.
If you want to try it in Paint,
here is a step-by-step instruction page you can follow to add a text layer.
If you have Photoshop or Photoshop Elements, open your photo, then create a new text layer and type your meme. You'll need to size and position accordingly once you've written it out.
To create the black outline around the letters, simply select Layer: Layer Style: Stroke.
The size of the stroke (3 pixels, 6 pixels, etc) will depend on the size of your image.
Re-save the photo with the text on it, and ... tah-dahhh!
Thanks to you, A Tonk's Tail is up for the Petties' Funniest Blog Award!
Winning would mean $1,000 for the cats of
Great Plains SPCA.
Their numbers are creeping up to 800 - and they are running out of supplies.
You have our heartfelt thanks!