Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Disturbing Trends

Maxwell:  Wait. Now the blinds in the family room are closed?

I...I...I think I'm perturbed.
Does this mean more math?

* * *

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

'Toon Tuesday: True Love

Continuing the post-Valentine love ;-)

Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Wait. There's MATH?

Faraday: Okay, I've had it wif these shades, Maxie.
It's been, like, elebenty weeks now.

Faraday: Do you has any idea how long that is in cat years?!
Maxwell: Well, to be precise, the aging scale of a cat is not linear. It's more of a—

 Faraday: Seriouslies, Maxie? At a time like this, you wanna do maths an' stuffs?

Faraday: Here's a math problem for you, Maxie. How many minutes do you think it'd take me to shred —

Maxwell: All right, all right. Move back, let me just take a few measurements here. Let's see now, the shade begins at precisely 7.5 centimeters from the floor ....
Faraday: *sigh-h-h*

Maxwell: And I see the sun is at an azimuth of 140 degrees east of north....
Faraday: *heavy sigh* Just wake me when you need something shredded, 'k Maxie?

Maxwell: *mutter*mutter* That's two hundred thirteen centimeters, give or take.
And I can reach about ... uh ... ninety. 

Maxwell: So if Faraday can reach eighty-five, and Allie can reach ninety-six, that's uh ....

Maxwell: Uh, dood, how badly do you want your sunpuddles?

Think you can talk Allie into letting you stand on her shoulders?

Faraday: We're so screwed.
Maxwell: Yup.



Friday, February 23, 2018

Patience: Lost.

Faraday: *sigh*

Faraday: *sigh-h-h-h-h*

(leans in to ....)
Maxwell: *cough* AHEM.

Faraday:  (ears back)
Look, Maxie.
If you're not going to be part of the solution, then you're part of the problem.

Faraday: I don't see you lifting a paw to help resolve this situation.
You think you can do any better? Then prove it.

Maxwell: uhhhhhh ....

Faraday: I rest my case.



Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Faraday: This is really starting to bug me, Maxie. There are sunpuddles and we need to be sleeping  in them. NOWS. 

Faraday: Maybe if I tried it from this side ....
Maxwell: Uh dood ... you know Momma told you not to mess with the shades after last Friday.
Faraday: Yeah, yeah, yada, yada. I wouldn't have to if she'd remember to raise them an' stuffs.

Maxwell: Dood, I really wouldn't if I were you ...


Faraday:  ...and you didn't think to warn me that she was standing right there, Maxie? Seriouslies?
Maxwell: Dood. You didn't ask.

Faraday:   *heavy sigh* 



Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Post-Valentine Toon Tuesday

(well, okay, that might have been last Thursday....)

Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday Blues.

We're with ya, dood. We're with ya.



Friday, February 16, 2018

Sunpuddle Woes

Faraday: Hey Maxie, according to the sun on my paw, we're missing some serious sunpuddles ...
(cue outraged tone)
... because somemommy forgotted to lift the shades before she left for work! 

Faraday:  BAD shade. BAD. Go 'way, shade, we don't want you here!

Maxwell: Biting the shades won't make them rise, you know. Everykitty knows that.

*cue heavy sigh* 

Faraday: Seriouslies, Maxie. If you're not going to be part of the solution ....

Will Faraday ever get his sunpuddles back? 
Will Maxie stop doling out advice and get up off his lounger and assist?
These questions and more ... next time, on A Tonk's Tail!



Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Cold paws...warm Heart!

We know for many of you, it's been a cold winter,
so from all of us, to all of you ....


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

'Toon Tuesdays: Valentine Edition


Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday Woes

... from the "I snuck outside again and am taunting my sister" files:

Why yes, that's Allie perched in the kitchen window behind the sink.
Faraday's on top of the generator. Ushered back inside in 5...4...

(Allie getting in a few licks on a certain Tonkinese in 3...2...  ;-)


Friday, February 9, 2018

Allie's Fashion Faux Paws

The Fashionable Feline knows the perfect bedding should complement one's coloring.
Grey tuxie = Grey duvet.


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Wordless Bird-Watching



Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Toon Tuesdays: The Real Reason...


Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, February 5, 2018

Monday (not) Smiles

Awwww, what a sweet, adorable smile on a Monday morning ....

Faraday : The Great White Housepanther isn't adorable, Mommy. He's fierce.

You're absolutely right, my bad
How could I possibly have mistaken that fierce scowl for a smile?

Faraday: That was totes sarcasm, Mommy.

And on a Monday, too?


Friday, February 2, 2018

Max v. Ball, Episode 3

Maxwell: Ah-HAH. Gotcha now, Mister Ball.
Taupe Ball: Oh no, that was my brother, the White Ball.

Pardon the pun, but this is a whole new ball game.

Maxwell: Is that a challenge?

Taupe Ball: Well, from what I hear, we balls are certainly a challenge to you.

Maxwell: Do you expect me to take that sitting down? Why you, I oughtta ....

Maxwell:  ooops.
Faraday: Seriouslies, Maxie?

Maxwell: Well, don't just sit there, boy. Play with it.

Faraday: *tap*sniff*
It says it doesn't want to right now.

Maxwell: *scoffing noise* And you're just going to let that ride?
Faraday: Yup, I was napping anyways, Maxie.

Maxwell: Boy, you need a mancat to show you how it's done. Here, watch this:

Maxwell: *COWABUNGA!*

Faraday: Uh, Maxie. That was the white ball. The taupe one's still over here ....

That's okay dood. We're still giving this one to you.

Current tally:
Ball = 2, Maxwell = 1
