Wednesday, November 29, 2017

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday

Wow, Fall flew past us so quickly! Seems just yesterday the leaves were barely turning.
And Faraday was enjoying window whiffs. And now ... it's almost December!


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

'Toon Tuesdays: Lists


Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, November 27, 2017

A Little Post-Turkey Workout

Faraday: Seriouslies, Allie?
A nap? Right in the middle of the kitchen floor?

Allie: Well I was napping, Brat. Until you rudely awakened me.

Allie: And why not the kitchen floor? It's conveniently located next to my food bowl.

Faraday: Mommy sez you need more exercise an' less foods, Allie.
Being the generous kitty I am, I'll let you have the next mousie turn while I nom your treats, 'k?

Allie: Really, Mother? We're really doing this?
*sigh* Okay, fine.

*half-hearted swipe* Oops.

Gaaargh ....

 ... a little closer, please?

Allie: ... I think I'll just wait for the next swing ....

Faraday: Look, Maxie, she's so out of shape the mousie's totally dominating her.
Allie: Dominating me? DOMINATING me?

Allie: Step away from the food bowl, Brat, and watch how a Huntress dominates.

(cue claws of doom™)

Allie: A little tough. Pass the pepper, please?


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Picture Me This Photohunt

Created for friends, fellow bloggers and anyone who enjoys a creative challenge, Picture Me This is a weekly idea-starter for social media posts. Any platform, anywhere.

No following, no submitting required. And certainly no pressure!

We're just filling a void made when last year's Photohunt host went on hiatus.

This Week's Theme:

Be sure to tag your entry with #PMTphotohunt so others can find you.

If you tag us as well (@tonkstail on Instagram & Twitter, @atonkstail on Facebook) we'll be sure to like and share your entry.



Friday, November 24, 2017

As the saying goes ... or not.

Faraday: Hey Allie, why're you smiling an' stuffs?
You usually growl when I sit next to you.
Allie: Because, Brat. "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

Faraday: Well duh. Honey's super sticky an' stuffs.
Allie: *sigh* What I meant was "if you dream it, you can achieve it."

Faraday: Seriouslies, Allie. You can't achieve anything while you're dreaming. You only dream when you're asleeps. And everyone knows that you can't achieve anything but a nap when you sleep.

Allie: *baleful look*
Look, Brat. I'm just trying to convince Mother to let me OUTSIDE by being well-behaved.

Faraday: Pffft. Well, why'nt you just say so, huh?
Allie: *heavy sigh*


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Wishing you a ...


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Wordless Interruption

*Temporarily disgruntled. 
Please send Gruntles™.


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

'Toon Tuesdays: Black Friday Edition

 You were warned, people.

Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Everyone's a Critic

*cue Peer Gynt's Morning*  
*add chirpy birdy sounds*

dangle, dangle... 
*sigh of contentment*

Allie: *fulminating glare* 

*cue pregnant pause*
Maxwell: (heavy sigh) What now, Allie?
Allie: Chopin, Maxie. I prefer Chopin.

Maxwell: Sorry, Allie. It's my pastoral scene.
If you want Chopin, find another window and order your own sound effects.


Sunday, November 19, 2017

Picture Me This Photohunt

Created for friends, fellow bloggers and anyone who enjoys a creative challenge, Picture Me This is a weekly idea-starter for social media posts. Any platform, anywhere.

No following, no submitting required. And certainly no pressure!

We're just filling a void made when last year's Photohunt host went on hiatus.

This Week's Theme:

Be sure to tag your entry with #PMTphotohunt so others can find you.

If you tag us as well (@tonkstail on Instagram & Twitter, @atonkstail on Facebook) we'll be sure to like and share your entry.



Friday, November 17, 2017

Another Nat Geo moment. Or not ...

Nat Geo Reporter: (sotto voce)
"Here we see The Great White Housepanther in his native habitat, intently focused on his prey."

NGR: (continues narration)
"The wind shifts, he lifts his head, cataloguing the smells around him...."

NGR: (tone rises in anticipation)
"Note the pose, the powerful haunches tensed to spring as the smell of pears comes wafting in the breeze, ripe and prime for the harvest."

*cue screeching sound of record needle scratch*
Faraday: (look of disgust) Seriouslies?
The Great White Housepanther only hunts Big Game.
He does not hunt pears.

Allie: (incredulous snort from front door) Really, Brat? Really?
It's your fantasy.

Faraday: I'm totes blaming Mommy for this.


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Whappity Wednesday

Maxwell: *hums* doot-de-doot-do ...
(cue slurpy noises)

Allie: *heavy sigh* 
Max, can you keep it down please?
Some of us are trying to nap over here.

(cue silent stare)

(one paw reaches up, and -- )

Allie: And just where do you plan to put that paw, Maxie, hmmm?

Ensuing kitty epithets edited out for decency. And gentle reader eyes.

Suffice it to say they were epic.
And short-lived. 


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

'Toon Tuesdays: Overheard at Hallmark


Toon Tuesdays feature animal (and sometimes human) humor created by the peeps over at Shoebox Greetings (Hallmark approved. Sorta.) - where our mom works, too!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Stalking is Serious Business

The Mom: What are you looking at, Baby?

Faraday: Mommy, don't bothers me while I'm working.
Can't you see I'm stalking BURDS out there?

The Mom: Oh, um, of course. Yes, I can see how busy you are ....

Faraday: Seriouslies, Mommy.
That birdie doesn't have a chance against the Great White Housepanther, but being a big important predator and alls takes concentration, so can you just keeps it down and stuffs, please?

The Mom: Sorry, kiddo. I'll just see myself out now ....


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Picture Me This Photohunt

Created for friends, fellow bloggers and anyone who enjoys a creative challenge, Picture Me This is a weekly idea-starter for social media posts. Any platform, anywhere.

No following, no submitting required. And certainly no pressure!

We're just filling a void made when last year's Photohunt host went on hiatus.

This Week's Theme:

Be sure to tag your entry with #PMTphotohunt so others can find you.

If you tag us as well (@tonkstail on Instagram & Twitter, @atonkstail on Facebook) we'll be sure to like and share your entry.



Friday, November 10, 2017

Friday's Window Whiffs

Ahhhhh, the smell of Fall in the air ...

Faraday: Check it out! This new kitchen window has great BirdTV channels.

Allie: *sigh* Yes, and squirrels, and chipmunks, and bunnies.
And a screen between them and me.
Does anyone besides me see the problem here?
Who do I call for Screen Removal Services?

Maxwell: Well I think this is pawesome.
We should have dinner in front of the TV tonight.
Anyone know how to order carryout?

Enjoy it while you can kids. Window's closing tonight - it's turning COLD.


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday's Purrs: Teddy

"Wait .... Hold on there a minute ... I've just got this one last lick ...."

"Ah, there. Now I'm presentable!"

"I wanted to get all cleaned up for you, you know, in case you might be interested in hanging out with a handsome blue-eyed boy like myself.

I'm 6 years young, and the ladies here at the shelter say I'm a rather handsome sort. It's enough to make a mancat blush, you know? I'm kind of a modest, retiring sort, and not one to boast, so I'll have to let you make the call on that one.

But I would like to meet you. Maybe you'll come give me a scritch or two, or maybe even a treat?"

"Mmmm, makes my mouth water just thinking  of all the fun treats times we could have together.

Standing by, waiting patiently for you,

Teddy is waiting for you. Come meet him today, at the Main Campus of Kansas City Pet Project.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Step on a crack ....

Allie: You've done it now, Brat. It's all your fault!

Faraday: What, Allie? Wha'd I do? I'm just hanging out with my harness and stuffs.
You're just sore because you're inside and I'm out here.

Allie: Well, yes. But that's not what I'm talking about.
Don't you see what you did over there?
You stepped on a crack.

Faraday: So ...? I fails to see the problem, Allie.

Allie: Don't you know anything, Brat?  That's why Mother's back has two fractures.

Faraday:  Uhhhh ... *gulp*

Maxwell: You'd better come in, dood. Now.
You know, before you break Papa's back, or something.

Wait. Allie risks that every time he picks up her massive --- OW! OW!
Fine. I was just going....

Not to worry, Faraday. You're not to blame (a bit of overenthusiastic kickboxing, maybe, but not you).

I know we've been a bit scarce recently, and this is one of the reasons why. After opinions, second opinions and a trip back to Mayo in mid-October, they discovered bilateral fractures in the lower back/SI area. So that's what's been causing all the pain!

We'll spare you the details but it's all connected to the stuff Mayo diagnosed earlier in the year and plans are underway to get our mom back to bouncing off the walls again (heaven help us) real soon.

In the meantime, we're avoiding any and all cracks in the sidewalk. Just in case.
