This post
is sponsored by petMD and ARM & HAMMER™, and the BlogPaws
Professional Pet Blogger Network. I am being compensated for helping
spread the word about The petMDCat Care Center, but A Tonk's Tail only
shares information we feel is relevant to our readers. Arm & Hammer
and petMD are not responsible for the content of this article.
I was asked recently if I'd be interested in promoting the petMD
Cat Care Center
(sponsored by ARM & HAMMER™
CLUMP & SEAL™ LightWeight litter). I had been
on the site before, but wanted to give it a more critical once-over
before I gave them my decision.
Wow. This was probably one of the easiest decisions I've made. I'll show you why in a sec.
First, here's a brief overview of what you'll find on this site. The
landing page for the Cat Care Center asks you to begin by selecting your
cat's age. This allows petMD to curate their site so that the articles
most relevant to you will be what you see first.
over one of the grey boxes will pop up an age you can click on. I
selected 4 years - Faraday's age (until July, at least!).
This takes you to a customized Cat Care Center main page that groups topics into six different categories:
Care, Health, Emergency, Behavior, Home and Bonding.
As I browsed through the different sections, I found articles on
CPR and Artificial Respiration for Senior Cats (Emergency category). This is totally on my punch list, by the way.
Under Behavior, there was an article on
how your cat's behavior may change with age. (If we could educate pet owners about this, might it lower shelter intake rates? It's possible.)
Then in the Care section, I found one on
how to keep your cat's teeth clean. It's probably no great surprise that this caught my attention - especially
given Maxwell's adventures with gingivitis (
and those frequent visits from the Tooth Fairy).
Maxwell: Seriously momma, it's genetic. I floss and everything, honest! |
At the end of the article, I discovered this gem:
can also include deboned raw meat to stimulate him to chew, which helps
to keep the bones strong. Vary the meats, too. Besides fish, you can
also feed your cat beef and rabbit."
I might have squeeed a little. (
okay, a lot...)
I am
excited that petMD's Cat Care Center mentioned this. You've heard me talk
before about the fact cats are obligate carnivores. I personally
believe that providing them with the kinds of food they would find in
the wild is a great thing.
And because of their shorter digestive
tracts, a cat is well-suited to handle raw meat without encountering
some of the concerns we humans might face under the same circumstances. (wait, we eat sushi, too...)
Allie: "Did someone mention sushi?" |
There's a lot to like about petMD's Cat Care Center. The website maintains a comprehensive library
of more than 10,000 pet health articles, all written and approved by their network of trusted veterinarians.
They told me they're also the world’s largest digital resource for pet health and wellness information and has become the go-to resource for millions of pet parents across the
globe. I can see why.
Our thanks to the folks at ARM & HAMMER™ CLUMP & SEAL™ LightWeight litter for sponsoring such a wealth of information for our four-legged family members.