Okay, confession time: I've been using World’s Best Cat Litter™ for years. So when I was asked if I wanted to review it, well ... it's easy to say positive things about a product you like.
So I asked the cats if they wanted to weigh in on the topic. Allie stepped right up and volunteered to be the spokescat for the group.
Tell us how you really feel, why don't you Allie? ;-) |
This post is sponsored by World’s Best Cat Litter™ and the BlogPaws® Pet
Influencer Network™. I am being compensated to help share World’s Best
Cat Litter but we only share information we feel is relevant to our
readers. World’s Best Cat Litter is not responsible for the content of
this article.
But before I give Allie the floor, I'd like to share a few reasons why I like World's Best Cat Litter.
I like that it's a natural, green product. I like that it's biodegradable. The company uses a
patented process to compress the naturally absorbent corn into concentrated granules that feel lighter than clay litter.
I like that by using a natural product, I'm not buying a clay or silica-based litter that might irritate feline lungs if its dust is inhaled.
And I love - LOVE! - that this litter is flushable.
Three cats + 4 litterboxes (in the basement) = a ton of hauling up and down the steps with clay litter. Heavy bags go down, and heavy waste must be lugged back up. No thank you!
World's Best Cat Litter, I can shovel and flush, and everything is all in within a few steps.
It's very convenient, and I don't sacrifice clump-ability (is that a word?) in the process.
Does it clump? You betcha! |
I also love that they have six different formulations - and some of them are unscented. As a cat's sense of smell is
16 times more sensitive than a human's, you can imagine how strong a perfumed litter might be to their noses.
Allie: Not as annoying as the stink bombs a certain boycat drops, Mother.
It's a good thing World's Best is so good at odor control.
Uh oh, dood. Looks like some girlkitty's outing you. That's quite the accusing glare! |
Maxwell: Wait, uh ... why're you staring at
me, Allie?
Dood, that innocent look's not working. |
Allie: I'm just saying, a courtesy flush every once in a while wouldn't hurt, Maxie.
And I do mean a
literal flush
Can you coordinate your "business" a bit closer to Mother's scheduled bathroom duties?
Maxwell: Well ... huh. That bad, is it?
Allie: Epic, Maxie.
Again, odor control? In this house, it's mandatory.
Your turn: Take the #WasteLessLitter Challenge
Seriously, don't take our word for it. Check out World's Best Cat Litter for yourselves.
Switch and save $2.00 by visiting
www.WasteLessLitter.com today!
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