Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Rain, rain....

Allie: I'm quite tired of all this rain, Mother. Order it to stop.

The Mom: Ah, yes. We'll get right on that, dear.

Has it been raining buckets where you live, lately?
It has here! And it's totally cramping Allie's style.
Mainly because the Dad can't go out and plant, which means she can't go out and supervise.

* * *


  1. We had rain last week, Sun so far this week. Jamg in there Allie!

  2. Rain and cats is not a good thing. We had a downpour in the night, but sun is shining bright today. I hear we will be getting massive rain on the coming weekend. Not real fun.

  3. Today is a nice sunny day and the furst in 10. Nuff said we dont want to jinx it

  4. Yes, and it's all running through our basement! Finally, today is sunny and we're going to make the most of it. Enjoy the garden, Allie! I will be out there supervised by Mimi.

  5. It's been mostly dry here, but we do live in southern California.

  6. eggz cell ant fishin werm weather ...rain iz.... :) ♥♥

  7. We had lots of rain but the last couple of days have been nice and dry for a change. But tomorrow is another story of course.

  8. We get a lot of rain at times, then we get some ridiculously beautiful days. Hang in there, Allie. It'll get better.

  9. We had the same, Allie, until yesterday. Hope the sun comes out for you soon!

  10. It hasnt rained many inches, but it was constant wetty fer 3 days... It got all dry gain today, so we had a good time outside.

  11. Ugh. It's been the same here, Allie. :(

  12. We had a couple of nice days, cooler and rainy tomorrow.


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