Friday, May 6, 2011

What’s all the Excitement About?

There’s a whole lot of hubbub circling round the Overland Park Convention Center today (for those of you non-Kansas Citians, that’s South KC’s main distribution for all large events).

Why’s all the fur flying? (And you think I’m speaking figuratively, dontcha *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*) Why it’s none other than the mad preparation for the big Fur Ball, Wayside Waif’s annual fund-raising event!

It’s all happening this Saturday evening, May 7th – which also happens to be my AlphaPerson’s birthday, BTW. That’s so purrfectly wonderful of them to honor him by holding his fave charity’s fund-raiser on his special day, wouldn’t you agree? I’m pawsitive that’s the reason they did it! >^..^<

You should see it! TONS of people working like dogs to make this a night to remember. (Of course, I’m speaking literally here, as we all know that a cat wouldn’t be caught dead lifting a paw to do something as menial as work *delicate shudder*. But thankfully that’s why God created dogs, and I can guarantee you, these folks are slaving away just like one!)

I instructed my Purrsonal Typist to give you, my fellow bloggers, an Exclusive Sneak Preview of what’s in store for my fellow partygoers (ahem, you *did* get my tux pressed, didn’t you? It’s important for a cat to look his Very Best at all times, yanno). And without further ado…your Preview awaits:

The Sa-FURRy Grand Entrance being built (can't wait to show you what lies beyond!)

And the requisite barktending area, being set up (I hope they stock plenty of meowmosas, niptinis and Mousy Mai-Tais - I plan to cat around a bit at this event, if yanno what I mean!).

A squillion volunteers helping set up the acres-wide Silent Auction (hmmm, wonder if they got my Pawtographed Photo in there - I know that'd be a hot item!).

Finally (for now at least), some great shots of former waifs to decorate the halls (anyone spotting a pic of The Great Grey Menace - aka Allie_Kitti - has my purrmission to do the moustache-painting thing to it, 'k?).

Oh no! I hear the theme's going to be Photo SaFurry! Person - quick! Scrap the tux, I need my best Indiana Jones ensemble, stat!


  1. Firstly, happy birthday to your Alphaperson! I hope your Fur Ball, Wayside Waif’s annual fund-raising event was a HUGE success!! If I were you, I'd sneak a Sharpie in and get that moustache-painting thing done!!

  2. *whispers* I have a "plant" on staff! I'll slip her the Sharpie - GREAT idea!!


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