Monday, July 30, 2012

WARNING: Fake Flea Treatments can be DEADLY

Last week, VPI pet insurance reported on a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announcement that counterfeit flea prevention products are being illegally imported into the USA.

Peeps, our mom is researching these treatments for an upcoming Monday Medical Issues post and let us tell you, this is extremely dangerous - and can be deadly.

These phony medications are posing as "Frontline" and "Advantage" products. These brands are sold in many pet retail outlets and online stores.

Some of these counterfeit products substitute ingredients that can be deadly, especially for cats.

According to the EPA, the only way you can tell if a package is legit is to physically examine the applicator tubes.

Look for revealing differences which are listed in the EPA's fact sheet.

You can download this fact sheet as a PDF file from the EPA's page on counterfeit pet pesticides by clicking on the image below.

click this image to be redirected to the EPA's info site on fake pet products

If you'd like to read the full story as VPI pet insurance reported it, you can click here - they also list how you can learn to identify the real from the fake.


  1. Gosh , never heard of such a thing. Have a great Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Wow, it's scary and sad to think that unsafe products are lurking out there. It pays to be vigilant. Thanks for the info!

  3. Thanks for the heads up - I wonder how these things get into stores in the first place!

  4. Wow...this is scary. I always buy my flea prevention products at the vet, do you think that those are safe?
    This is super scary. Thanks for sharing

    1. Yes, very scary1 We buy ours from the vet, too, and they should be okay. But if you're concerned, the fact sheet shows you what to look for in the packaging to identify real vs. fake. And it never hurts to check, anyway!

  5. Thanks for the info, serious business
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  6. Thanks for this info. I wonder whether this is the same in the UK? I do buy all the gunk from the vet though, so hopefully is ok!!

  7. If you buy from an online pharmacy, always look for the Vet-VIPPS accreditation. It looks like a gold seal.

    1. Daisy - thank you for this information! GOOD to know!!

  8. Thanks so much for the warning. We hadn't heard of this before and we've saved it in our favorites.

  9. Very important information. Thanks for sharing.

    Your pal, Pip

  10. Thank you for the warning. We wonder if it applies to those out of the US?

  11. Appreciate the warning...thank COD someone stepped up! Whew...glad I am indoor only and no other animals in our house...whew...but...Mom and Dad know about what they track in on their shoes...thanks...paw pats, Savannah

  12. OMC !
    What´s wiff humans , that sell fake products that could get us cat´s killed ??!!


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