Saturday, November 10, 2012

Our Five Fave Tweets November, 2012

Our monthly series continues...

When I asked for another WAND Toy, Mommy told me I already had toys coming out the Wazoo.  COOL! Where's the wazoo, I gotta camp out in front of it!

Dood, seriously. That's, like, anatomically impossible.

SQUEE! I ran into the neighbor's yard & found half a Dead BIRD! *breathless voice* and then I rolled in it.... *concerned look* You don't think that hurts my image do you? *pats coif*

SNIFF What's that smell?!?!? Allie? WAY COOL!  I gotta tell the other cats. Bet their sisters don't smell like THIS.

Allie BIT me in the BUTT last night without ANY provocation.
Maxwell: Dude. You stepped on her FACE.

Want to know a pawesome way you can help animals affected by Hurricane Sandy?
Watch this video and see how the folks at IFAW are reuniting owners with the pets they had to leave behind.  Then please, consider donating.


We're also purrticipating in the Weekend Cat Blogging blog hop.


  1. Ummm.... where IS the Wazoo? I think maybe we don't have those here in Canada... purrs

  2. Lol, so cute! I wish my dog Bender tweeted more often, he's a bit old school and can only hen-peck with two toenails. And I have to keep my little dog Pepper from tweeting, she think's its some form of Martial Arts internet attack. I'll keep her away from the keyboard and not mention the cute kitties on my screen right now.

  3. "Your Mama's coming"...Mommy's all leaky eyes now. Thank you to all the people helping out. You're the best!

  4. I am going to check my Wazoo, just in case I can find some toys there!

  5. Allie you are so lucky! I wish I could go outside and find such treasures!

    I loved the video - I may even use it for my Sunday Catinee this week. When these disasters happen, my human is always torn between donating to the local groups and the bigger ones, but both need the funds.

  6. Sweet Allie, nothing could hurt that image of yours!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  7. OMC - sometimes blogging can be so ANNOYING!! We just read your Mousebreath interview and loved it - we tried to comment and it did not go through, then we tried again, and it said it was a duplicate.... yet none of the comments show up!! Anyhow, we just wanted to let you know that we tried!! xoxox

  8. Just read about you at Mousebreath and came to visit.
    I laughed at your cat's tweets- but that video!
    How very sad and sweet.

    Maggie at Shelter-cats

  9. Youz guy'z, tell ya Mommy colliwobble is CAULIFLOWER..BOL Youz sooo funny :) xx00xx I couldn't get'z de video so will'z come back tomorrow'z to watch :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  10. Just when we were GOL-ing (giggling out loud) we watched the video and just can't stop the tears. Amazing. So, so amazing.

  11. We are so with Allie and the rolling around in dead things. Bless the rescuers they do a wonderful job both for humans and animals. Have a great weekend.
    Best wishes Molly

  12. Our wazoo is full of toys too...or so we've been told. (You guys are the funniest tweeters!!)

  13. Great Tweets - we are going to get Mommie to sign up for your tweets!

  14. That tweet from Faraday is too funny! It sure is sad that humans leave their family members behind. We can imagine.

  15. yeah, the "wazoo" is very confusing???

  16. You did what Allie?? Whoa! TW is blubbering over that video.

  17. Allie, I'm surprised! We're not sure if we want mom to see that video. We're not sure we want to. But we want to help!

  18. Allie, I idolize you EVEN MORE now that I know you rolled on a dead bird. You are the coolest girlcat EVER, that's all....EVER!!!

  19. Allie, your pristine reputation is in tatters as is mom after she saw that video!!


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