Friday, January 17, 2020

Trying out a new lens

Confession time:  as much fun as it is to see Allie in a sunpuddle, this new 300mm prime lens is going to be used for something else.

(sorry, girlie...Cut it out with the stink eye, already!)

It's going to be mounted to this motorized polar mount for astrophotography.

The good news: it'll be fun. The bad news: it's like relearning how to take photos all over again!
(A professional photographer friend told the mom "welcome to Bizarro World!" when she contacted him to ask for pointers, MOL!)

At least she'll be sitting at the computer (warm laps FTW!) for loads of hours, processing the pictures she takes!

Here's her first attempt: The Orion Nebula. (She has a long way to go, and we don't think Hubble's going to need to worry about being out of a job any time soon, HA!)

Did your humans get anything out of the ordinary for the holidays?



  1. Whoa, color me green with envy! I'm a huge night sky watcher, but taking photos with an iPhone is ridiculous...although, I try...
    I hope you'll share some of your astrophotography with us...cats,'s all good.

  2. That's amazing.... And perfect for your mom given the family "race for space" background

  3. Katie's youngest human brother does this as serious hobby. I am impressed by his and can't wait to see yours..

  4. total lee awesum iz thiz !!!! we look for werd ta mor snap shotz frum space; may bee mom will see one oh de characterz frum her bookz... wavin bak two her !! :) ♥♥

  5. Sweet! Or you could take stealthy close-up photos of the kitties from far away (if you can hold the camera steady).

  6. Wow, what a cool new project! Although I have to say, photographing Allie with the new lens is a pretty cool project too.

  7. We can’t wait to see your photos. The mom wishes she was better with a camera.

  8. Coolio pics. Mum got nothing special for Christmouse! I got a nip nanner.

  9. We really enjoyed that photo as most times our sky is cloudy

  10. Wow! Our dad is totally envious about your mom's new lens!

  11. That is evfur so pawsome!! Hope your Mom gets really good at t...else she can go back to all those super duper pics of you three furry ones:)


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