Friday, December 1, 2017

December's Chill

Allie: Is it still cold out there, Maxie?

(glances outside): Ah- yup. Looks like it. Even the squirrels are shivering.

Allie: *sigh* this is going to be a long winter.

Happy December! 
Is it cold where you live?



  1. It is supposed to get into the mid 50's today, but it rained last night so it's still chilly.

  2. No it isn't cold here, at least not yet. Close to 50 in the next few days. Mum says she needs to do her last bit of outside yard work today or tomorrow.

  3. We agree with you ... Winter is always too long! Though kitty snuggles just about fix it ;)

  4. It's been warmer than it SHOULD be for Northern Virginia - right this minute it's 55 and it should be colder - but we're not complaining!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. mom says it was actually freezing this morning....frost on the ground and everything. brrr

  6. Perhaps you could snuggle together?
    It is actually quite mild here today. =) Though I'm sure that will soon change.

  7. Looking at you two beauties chases the cold away!

  8. We had frost this morning, enough to scrape off of the car windows. But, The 'O' Cats' water bowl was still liquid, so we just skimmed the freezing mark.How can it be December already, kitties?

  9. It's really not very cold by us yet - but I am sure it will be soon!

  10. Happy December! It has been chilly, I love it!

  11. It's cold here...but not too the high 40s. But the sun's been shining and that makes everything betters.

  12. It's cold here at night (in the low 40s) but the days have been ok in the 60s. I get the windows open for a few minutes of fresh air but then I can go snooze on the heater vent.

  13. Well, WE like it when the Evil Skwerls are shivering. We hope they freeze solid and fall out of the trees so we can get at them. TBT promises that IF THAT HAPPENS, he will thaw them out inside for our pleasure.

  14. It's still pleasant here during the day... there's definitely a chill after dark, though!

  15. It has been below freezing for the past week at night and around 36-38 by day, but a little milder today. Find yourself a nice warm spot until the warm weather comes back!

  16. It's gotten quite a bit colder here, after a fairly warm autumn. Temps are around 0°C at night and barely get up to 4-4°C during the day. We are lucky to have lovely warm homes, aren't we?

    The Chans

  17. It's getting cold here, too. We agree, it's gonna be a long one.

  18. It is not cold right we will be in a deep freeze as is expected here in Michigan...Brrr!

  19. We are thrilled the cold is on the way. We love winter and snow. Our kitties love the fireplace.


Coolio! A comment? For US?