Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Snake=1; Maxwell=0

When last we left our tale, Faraday had been rudely interrupted mid-strike by Maxwell, confident his snake-wrangling prowess was equally on point. 

We join our story in progress ....

Faraday: Seriouslies, Maxie. It takes skillz to defeat a vishus snake. I'm not so sure you're up to --
Maxwell: Nonsense, boy.

Maxwell: All it takes is a bit of detailed inspection, the application of a bit of fluid dynamics, the concept of torque as applied to a ---

Hey! Wait --!

I wasn't done measuring the --- aaack!

I, uh --- think I'm done now.

Dood. You look like Braveheart, wearing that snake like a sash and stuffs.




  1. Way to quantum physics that snake into submission Maxie. Yeah, I have no idea what I'm talking about. ;)

  2. Maxwell, we are looking the other way and don't see your reputation is safe.

  3. We don't know what is the concept of torque, but that sounds very impawtant for defeating a snake. Purrs

  4. ummm....we think that point will have to go to the snake :)

  5. MOL - that's like how Binga plays with those.

  6. EEK it's a snakey attack! Careful the red and green might be warnings of its venom! EEK! I've never seen one of those snakeys where I live. Ours aren't colorful like that! Tee hee hee! Hugs!

  7. Maxwell, you lost us at fluid dynamics. ;)

  8. Hmmmm, Maxie, you got to keep your guard up with that sneaky snake on a stick!

  9. Looks like that snake fluid dynamic-ed you pretty good, Maxie.

  10. Never trust a snake. They can turn on you in a flash.

  11. Maxwell, sometimes intuition can be just as useful as science. But you do look good wearing that snake.

  12. I think it is a trophy snake used as a fashion accessory.

  13. doodz...cranbereez we dinna noe ewe waz mezzin with a pie thon ~~~~ WHOA ~~~~~~ :) ♥♥

  14. you do look mighty dapper wearing that snake..

    torque - maybe that is our problem.. I never let them study advanced mechanics

  15. Well, you know after you killed it off with that whap, you now get to wear it to show it off!

    Fluid dynamics?? I will ask pawppy he is an engineer...yup, fluids run downhill, and you cannot push a string...wait, that is not something fluid...but did you try to push that snake??


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