Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Such Temptation....

Faraday: *scoffing noise* Seriouslies, I have no idea what all this fuss is about.

It's just a power cord.

... although it's surprisingly mesmerizing. tantalizing, even. I betcha I could catch it...

(chomping noise in 3...2... )

Oh, dood, you are in such trouble....



  1. Ha! I dangle the cord to my ear buds, knowing that a cord within reach of a cat is pure temptation! So far, their chomps have made no damage...

  2. you put the bitey on that and you are gonna lose your allowance until you can afford a new one

  3., if you do try that bitey/chewy stuff, you might find yourself in the dog house....what kitty wants to be in a doghouse, not you I think...

    This is like Minko revisited...he would not eat on his own, but boy, did he chew on those power cords...sigh...

  4. Uh yeah. We're pretty sure whacking those is okay. But no biting!

  5. Geez, you'd think those things tasted like chicken or something!

  6. That probably isn’t a smart move, Faraday. Take it from me, I know. ~Ernie


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