Tuesday, February 5, 2013

'Toon Tuesdays

Cartoonist Molly Bradenburg, author of The Truth About Cats recently posted this ideabook in the "Fun Houzz" section of houzz.com entitled "If Cats Could Design."

(click the arrows on the left size of the black bar to scroll through all images)

Oh yeah. We can see our crew really going for some of these ideas!

Next Tuesday:  "If dogs could design"...!


  1. Seeing as that is exactly where Muffin is at the moment, I really like that

  2. Have a terrific toon Tuesday and we can;t wait to see the dog one.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Did you guys see all the illustrations? You can click through them by using the arrows in the black bar, lower left!

  4. Alfie's laughing but I'mz waiting for the dog'z :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Really cute cartoon and so true. We love a comfy lap and the idea of heating it is splendid. Purrs and hugs, the kitties at www.thecatonmyhead.com, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  6. That certainly looks like the purrfect chair to us! :)

  7. HaHaMeow! Looks purrfect! We can't wait for the dog design. Happy Tuesday!

  8. I'd seen these some where and laughed a lot...Can't wait to see what the dogs come up with next :)

  9. I think I liked the Royal Sands and the Global Kitty Cafe best.

  10. We like that leaning scratching post!

  11. We really needs one of those chairs for when the Mom and Dad are working. All we have is blankies on the couch or bed. Sheesh!
    Harry, Dexter and Tipp

  12. Some of these are really great! What are our humans waiting for?!?

  13. these are so much fun!!! I think you need to re-post them and make sure EVERYONE gets it to scroll using the arrows...the arrows are hard to see. I luvluvluv'd them!


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