Friday, March 1, 2013

"Fun Finds" Friday

This is a random gathering of pet-related things we thought you might find interesting. 
(Okay, and a lot of it is from Mommy's snoop time on Pinterest!)

If you have a fun find you'd like us to feature, send us a shout-out by clicking on the Contact Us tab above.


Remember that cool airplane we kitties got for Chanukah? Well, the same company that brought you the P-47 kitty bomber brings you this way cool Kitty DJ cat scratcher. Priced at $35, you can buy it at

Kill two birds with one stone: help your kitty maintain his hip, cool image - and keep his nails off your furniture!


  1. Ha ha that is brilliant. What fun! Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. ah ha...that's exactly what Gizmo needs for his #nipclub DJ shifts :)

  3. We have one of those - we enjoy it! But then, we are hip and cool kitties, so of course we would!

  4. My Humom Brudder plays the Geeeetar,Alfie plays Bongo'z, Me Mollie howl'z that cat on the deck..Wez got ourself " The Partridge Family"..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. I've always loved this one! always makes me think of Cathy Keisha.
    ; )

  6. Oh I so hope one day I will get one of these!

  7. That's so cool! We can hear all those *scratchy music*!

  8. We saw this at the store, and we were SO tempted! MOL!

  9. What Mewsette couldn't do with all that cardboard...and the boys with their tunes...

  10. I have seen that DJ scratcher and am dying to have it! I think I had pinned it too1

  11. Hi, We searched for an e-mail address on your blog but could not find one, so we are hoping you read all your comments. We have nominated you for an award. All the details and requirements are on our blog in the post "Tom Selleck and a Liebster Award Nomination. Please drop by and check it out. When you announce it on your blog, we would really appreciate your mentioning that it came from us and linking back to our site. Concatulations. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  12. What a great idea! A moving scratcher... Why dint WE think of THAT?


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