Monday, April 18, 2016

Does Not Play Well With Others

Allie: Hey, Brat. When are you going to be done with that snake?
There are other cats in the household who would like a turn, you know....

Allie looks up at Fardaay, sitting on a chair

Faraday: Hmmm, let me think on that for a second...

Faraday looks away, pondering Allie's request

Faraday: M-m-m-m yeah ...  that would be NEVER.

Faraday refuses to give Allie the snake toy

Allie: *sigh* I should have seen that one coming ....



  1. Hi Allie, at moments like that maybe you should advise Faraday that it wold be a Health and Safety risk for him NOT to share. If you know what I mean. purrs ERin

  2. Oh, there would be smacky paws here! But then, I imagine there are at your house too!

  3. Maybe your parents need to buy a PINK snakey, Allie. All for girls of course.

  4. it did seem like the obvious answer :)

  5. Poor may have to resort to something DRASTIC to get the boys to respect your right to play with those toys!

    Hugs, Sammy

  6. Oh no, Faraday is hogging the toy! I think he deserves one or two whaps, heh heh :-)

  7. MOL ! Better choose another toy, Allie ! Purrs

  8. Can you play with the bottom? Bless your heart. ♥

  9. guys...ewe R WAY braver N uz....if a snakez waz in R houz....we wood haza houz for sale peace oh signage in de yard ~~ ☺☺☺ ♥♥♥

  10. Sharing can be a real drag in a multi pet household...even with us dogs.

  11. I don't think Faraday knows what sharing means, Allie.

  12. Allie, just take it like it's rightfully yours. Because it is, isn't it?

  13. Allie, you gotta take matters...or snakes...into your own paws!

  14. Forget about them. I'm here with my 'stang so we can go cruising the heart of the city. We'll do lunch and then some shopping.

  15. Faraday, we are super surprised that Allie didn't grab that snake while you were thinking! You are one lucky cat. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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