Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A Belated Celebration of Wildlife

Waffles: Hey Boss? It says here that we missed National Wildlife Day. Isn't that every day around here?

Uh, Boss, do things look different around here to you? Isn't there supposed to be a lot more pink?
And chicken? Where's the chicken?

Katie: That's because you're on someone else's blog, Waffles. With all that teal and white, it must be Allie's blog.

Waffles: You mean Faraday's blog.

Katie: No, Waffles, I said exactly what I meant.

While the mom was away in Colorado cavorting with other cats, she also got some pretty great shots of wildlife. We (grudgingly) gave her today to observe National Wildlife Day. 

Which, we would like to point out, isn't today at all. It was Monday. Not that we're criticizing her for getting it wrong.

No, and we won't criticize her for abandoning us, either. Nope, not doing it.

Sunset from a certain blogger's backyard.  Location: Glogirly's house

Moody skies at Rocky Mountain National Park

Colorado train trudges through the wilderness of Glogirly's land

Closeup of gnarled pine trunk

Faraday: Okay, Waffles. Enough, already. You can leave now and go back to your pink blog and stuffs.

Waffles: You say that like it's a bad thing. I don't mind pink. Am I supposed to mind pink? Boss?

Rare photo of a potentially disgruntled Waffles
Huge thanks to Katie, Waffles and Glogirly for opening their home to our mom.

(and we know it's a bit late, but is anyone interested in seeing photos of the eclipse, from Ground Zero ~ Totality, here in Kansas/Missouri?)


  1. Hey, you had me all mixed up! I'm like...wait a minute...WHA?...the wrong cats on this blog! But...that's pretty funny...hahahahaha!
    Yes, I'd like to see solar eclipse photos; I'm planning for the 2024 event already!

  2. I followed your fun with Glogirly on Facebook. What a beautiful place.

  3. WAFFLES: Hey, Boss? How do we get home to our own blog?

    KATIE: Guess you're going to have to stop and ask for directions.

    WAFFLES: Directions? You mean like for putting my cat tree together?

    We LOVED having your mom to our little mountain hideaway. Hope you checked her bags for stolen catnip and wand toys. ; )


  4. MOL, I was confused there for a moment! Loved the nature photos - and would love to see eclipse pics!

  5. Of course Waffles is okay with pink. He has a pink nose, a pink tongue, and probably pink toes.

  6. How fun to see Katie and Waffles some place else. ;) Great wildlife photos too! Bring on the eclipse photos!

  7. There are always trains out here. ALWAYS. Your mommy takes some awesome photos.

  8. It's almost a cross-over ! Beautiful photos ! We would love to see your eclipse pictures as we were not is the area to see it. Purrs

  9. My goodness.. Waffles.. you are usually so gruntled..

  10. that Waffles guy certainly gets around - we LOVE seeing your pictures and we bet the eclipse ones are great too.

  11. I would love to see eclipse photos. Waffles, real mancats wear pink and they never ask for directions. ;)

  12. total lee awesum fotoz yur mom cap sured lee !!! a sir tin bloggerz back yard ☺☺☺☺ iz amazin ☺☺☺☺☺ N ewe betcha...we wood lovez ta see eclipze fotoz !! ☺☺♥♥

  13. Hah! So funny! And pink suits him!
    I love tour wonderful pictures of nature! :)

  14. We'd love to see your eclipse photos! And how sweet of you guys to let Katie and Waffles visit your blog :)

  15. You confused me :) Those are gorgeous shots, beautiful scenery.

  16. How fun your mom got to visit her in CO. It looks so pretty where she lives.

  17. We were having fun watching Waffles get confused! MOL!! Mom was busy oohing and ahhhing over the pictures. Great job!!! Glogirly is the best person to visit. We all loved reading about the time you all had together.

  18. Ha-Ha!!! at first I thought there were some new kitties at your den, MOL!!!
    Lovely nature pictures!

  19. Actually, your cat pictures are why WE visit, but a few pics to entice the Beins is a good thing too.

  20. Nice wildlife and yes, we would love to see eclipse pics!

  21. You need to ask about totality pictures? Srsly?????

  22. Hang on a mo! I thought it was Maxwell dude that ran the show, the quiet unassuming cool dude. I mean everyone knows its the dude in the science outfit and clipboard that really pulls the strings. MOL

  23. That was disorienting... I'm thinking , "Gee that cats looks so much like Waffles..."
    What wonderful scenery and company you had on your trip!

  24. The mom got some beautiful photos! And what fun guest appearances by Katie and Waffles!

  25. Yes we want your eclipse pics! Nice guest appearance by Katie and Waffles.


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