Thursday, May 10, 2018

A bit of light reading

Maxwell: Hmmm... What's this?

A scientific tome?

This requires further examination.

Ahh, yes. Atomic in nature, I see.

Definitely some heavy reading here....

Better give this one two paws down!



  1. I'd keep well away from that, especially if it mentions that vile Schrödinger.

  2. MOL light reading? Um....maybe not.

    The Florida Furkids

  3. Yeah, doesn't look like a real attention getter!

  4. dood....we red radiological health.....well de cover anyway !!!!! :) ♥♥
    we like de swirlee thing under de werdz ~ ☺☺♥♥ put two gether rite, it wood
    makez fora sa~wheat cat toy !!

  5. Two paws....two of your beautiful paws. x😻🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾

  6. Yeah...nothing interesting about that for a cat! Makes our heads hurt just thinking about it! Better to nap on. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  7. I bet the paper would shred very nicely though, Maxwell.

  8. We’d give it paws down too, Maxie.

  9. Just how old IS that book, Max? Aren't there any new editions?

  10. MOL,it duz look good to sit on though.

  11. Not light reading, but looks like it might have some interesting smells.

  12. That looks kind of interesting, especially after my recent treatment with radio-iodine. We have to store my radioactive litter box waste in our shed until mid-July, when we can throw it in the trash. That book looks like it's been flipped through a few times, so maybe your plan to use it as a paw rest is a good one.

  13. Try biting some of the pages to find out if its worthwhile to continue...else just pick up one of your paws and send the whole thing to the floor...but be careful, if its radioactive, it might cause some consternation among the peeps.


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