Wednesday, May 23, 2018

PeeMail # 421 & 422

So the mom is away for a few days.
And yup, Shenanigans again.



  1. Ya gotta butter the mom up while she's away if you want to get some homecoming gifts!

  2. dood....we gotta add mit... de baby oh de fambly foto iz TWO awesum ~~~~~~~~~~ :) ♥♥

  3. PMail...
    From: The Feline Contingent
    To: Maxwell, Faraday, & Allie
    Re: The Mom Is Away...

    Mrrrrrp? Meow! Do you want to teleport over to our place for a while? We have noms... and fresh water... and noms... and humans... and noms... and a staircase to run up and down... and noms... and a hallway that has great acoustics for singing the Songs Of Your Peoples!

    Did we mention the noms?

    Rosco & Tina

  4. My human has met Faraday... and yeah, the sweet is an act.

  5. poor Squeaks....mommy gone and teased by your sister

  6. Hi, this is my first time to comment on your blog. Well, all looks funny and happy cats. I love it. Just like the Aaron Animal type (that famous YouTuber and Instagram star), I mean lots of fun and cool stuff. I will keep coming back here, just want to know the story of these trio cats (Maxwell, Faraday and Allie). Nothing much I know about them, there are seem like a really good friend and also do the silly thing together

  7. I always feel that strong sibling love when I visit you kitties.

  8. We’re not buying that baby stuff, Faraday. ;)

  9. Faraday, you've totally got that sweet shtick down to an art! :)

  10. Hang in there Maxwell. I'm sure your mom knows the truth.

  11. Do I hear violins somewhere?? Or the sweet wee sobs?

  12. Faraday, what a great idea to email your momma when she is away. I think Allie and Maxwell are just jealous that they didn't think of it first. Has your momma decided to come home sooner after seeing your sweet message? My mom leaves on a trip on Friday. Maybe I should email her when she is gone? Purrs.

  13. OK. We know it's no fun when she goes away, but we have to admit that these PeeMail posts are among our very favourites!!!

    The Chans

  14. I am glad my kitties don't know how to text :)


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