Monday, July 8, 2019

TOS Violation, or No?

Maxwell: Z-z-z-z-z....

Maxwell: *snort* Whu— whuzzup?

Maxwell: *narrowed eyes* Were you taking secret, unsanctioned photos of me snoring, Momma?

... I think that violates the Terms Of Service.



  1. Better a photo than a video! Mom has tried to get videos of us while we sleep and snore.

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Yes, TOS violation. Or at least TOM violation (tongue out of Mouth).

  3. You sure look cute laying there so maybe she can get a one time exemption to get a photo of that lolling tongue MOL

  4. Yeah, go ahead and check your contract, Maxie...we'll wait...waiting...waiting...hey, Maxie...did you fall asleep again?

  5. Rude! Get some pictures of your Mom and splash them all over the internet, Maxie. In between your naps of course.

  6. Maxwell, that was a big violation on your mom's part. We love you little tongue sticking out. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
    World of Animals

  7. MOL! Violation? I guess, but still hilarious!


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