Monday, June 18, 2012

While You Were Out...

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Medical Mondays for an Important Announcement:

Mommy has abandoned us.

Yeah, we woke up to find the big black thing she puts her clothes in, sitting by the front door.

Then she kissed us all and left us.
All alone. With Papa.

Oh dear, oh dear *fret*fret*
Do you think Daddy knows how to do mani/pedis while she's gone???

Here's where Mommy's working this week: at the Bellagio in Las Vegas.

Bellagio Caesars Palace Night August 2005

She says they have this wonderful garden:

Gartenanlage 2 Bellagio Vegas

And they're working with this great act, called Team iLuminate.
You might remember them if you're a fan of the TV show, "America's Got Talent." They were the finalists last year!


  1. we hate it when that happens - hope she is home soon....

  2. Oh no! Maybe you should sneak into her suitcase. I am thinking you cats could have some fun in Vegas!

    Your pal, Pip

  3. My mommie has the black thing sitting by the door too! I don't like seeing it! I'm telling.her very loudly right now all about it too!

  4. Ditto Pip above , you cool cats would have a real thrill in Vegas.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. Oh noooo - it's not fair that mommy is taking off without you two boys and Allie. You'll have to make her pay for leaving you behind. Seriously, she can't be allowed to get away with it because she'll keep leaving you. Oomans are like that you know!

  6. Tell your Mommy if she'd like to see the Catio and meet us to email our Mom:
    katniplounge AT gmail DOT com
    We're in Vegas!

  7. I wonder if they grow nip in the garden... purrs

  8. Whoa! I hope she's gonna come home. Las Vegas is sorta like "Sin City." If my peeps even go out for a day, I don't think they're coming back.

  9. Wow. That is one bright place to work. I hope she's back soon. I hate getting left with the Male.

  10. I think your human would have more fun if she could go to BlogPaws instead of working!

  11. Mommy just texted us, she's in a limo headed to bellagio. Pfft! Humans! And we bet she won't have any time to help us read everyone's much less post comments for us! WE ARE SOOOOO MISTREATED!

  12. wow is that cool! What will your Mom be doing there??? I am about to be deserted too (except for Dad) Mom is going to BlogPaws!

    1. Mommy's working a show, producing an opening act and directing a video. She's backstage right now, setting up. We are so soooooo ignored! (though daddy gives us great junk food that mommy doesn't allow in the house! Score!)

  13. I think that is pretty awesome that she is working with Team Illuminate! I guess we can give her a break for missing BlogPaws, but make sure you clear her calendar NOW for next year!!!

  14. Oh my catness!! How cool is that!! Have a great time Lisa, even if it is work! They are a great act and so talented!! You would be abandoning the kitties either way... ours are being left in the hands of the male human as well. The suitcase has not yet made its way to the door... but soon!!

  15. Well, we hope yer dad takes good care of you while yer mom is away! Probly "just barely" but youll survive. Be sure to demand all sorts of things! Dad wont know what ya normally dont get...

  16. Oh noes! When my Mommeh left me for a week, she had to leave an entire page of instructions for our dad!

  17. We're sorry she abandoned you. She better bring you some presents.

  18. What a fun work trip for you Mom! Bet she'll have lots of great stories to tell you when she gets back AND maybe she will bring back some bettin chips for y'all to play poker with! ;)

    Waggin at ya,

  19. I hope your mom gets to meet up with katnip Trish!!!! We will need to hear all about it with pics!!

    Meanwhile you guys behave, kay?

  20. me would LOVES to Las Vegas! Me hates it when my Mommy goes away for wok though

  21. I'.m thinking you guys could all collaborate and really work Dad to get some attention and treats...ya know stuff Mom doesn't let ya have...just a suggestion


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