Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday Thriller & #BTC4A

Confession: this has nothing whatsoever to do with cats. Or dogs.
Except for the fact that a good home movie means quality lap time in our home. And that's something all 3 of our kitties can get behind.

So they graciously agreed to let me show you this fun advertising stunt for the new James Bond movie that's gone viral on the internet.

Now all we have to do is wait for it to come to the small screen!

(We did wonder if that first Coke machine also came with a "to participate, you have to be in good physical health and sign this waiver" disclaimer!!)


And since this is a pet blog...
"The name is Bond. Maxwell Bond."


Don't forget! There are only THREE days left for U.K. residents to enter

It's free to all our British friends 
(British residents not British Shorthairs ...
unless of course the British Shorthairs happen to live in Britain!).


Join us in Tweeting for Rescue Pets in the 
Fund-Free Fundraiser! 

For every tweet and blog post featuring the #BTC4A hashtag (short for Be the Change for Animals) from October 22-27, Petco will donate $1 for rescue pets – up to $5000 – at this weekend's BarkWorld event.

What can you do? 

Click the image below to tweet - it's a quick & easy way to help raise funds for shelter animals.


  1. BOL that is well funny. Brilliant idea. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Too funny - but mom can't imagine being so desparate to see a movie to run through a train station. :)

    Niptini Mr Bond???

    1. Maxwell: *in best British accent* Why yes. Shaken, not stirred.

  3. That is funny! Our Mommy is a Bond movie addict. She can't wait fur this to come out. Happy Thursday! xoxo

  4. Oh Maxie, do you remember Birman Bond? He's the only Bond besides you I want to see.

  5. MOL at Maxwell Bond!! That video is ace, though am not a Bond fan ........ rushes out quick........ ;)

  6. The things humans put other humans through! That was funny - would never work with a cat!

  7. BOL, at least it wasn't Maxwell house, that's a cwap coffee over here. Can't wait for the film..I don't like bond but they have hiped it up, so Iz gotta see it. xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  8. We would be more innerested in the movie iffen YOU were in it, Maxwell Bond!

  9. We'd like to see you Maxwell, a gorgeous hunk as Bond!

  10. It took them 2 minutes to unlock the 70 seconds! The obstacles sure were creative. We are sure a kitty would have done it even faster.

  11. Maxwell Bond, you're going to have a long career with such good looks and piercing blue eyes.


Coolio! A comment? For US?