Monday, September 15, 2014

Svelte & looking mighty fine.

Hello there! Allie here, reporting in from high atop the cat tree.

I have news for you - big news!

Well, I suppose technically it would be called "smaller" news, being that this post is all about weight loss and promoting a healthy lifestyle!

That's right: I've been on a months-long journey to a skinnier me: #TeamAllie, working on my Extreme Feline Makeover!

And if I do say so myself, it's been a tasty journey, what with all the delish grain-free canned food my #TeamAllie sponsor, Merrick Purrfect Bistro, has provided.

You could say I've been "eating myself thin!"  *giggle!*

Mother believes strongly in feeding a species-appropriate diet, and for her that means grain-free goodness, with quality ingredients and appropriate portion sizes (I'm right there with her...except maybe on those portions. Let's talk, Mother, 'k?)

Of course, we all know that an important component to a healthy kitty's lifestyle is getting appropriate exercise, and I've been logging plenty of arm reaches by doing spider wand toy reps every day. Pardon my expression - I'm really intent on perfecting my form!

Of course, since I've started down the Road to Svelte, a certain bratty brother has decided he, too, loves taste sensations like Turkey Pate and Beef Wellington.

I've had to hire Maxwell as my very own personal Brinks' Security Guard, so Faraday stays away from my food!

Faraday: yeah, yeah, blah blah blah. 

Let's get down to brass tacks, here, sis. Did you or did you not lose weight this month? 
The scales don't lie!

***drum roll*** 

This month's weigh-in?  12.2 pounds, down more than a half pound in the past 4 weeks!

This glam girl's looking good, and she knows it. Betcha couldn't tell, could you?

Allie: Oh Mother-r-r-r... my driver's license is now wrong. Can I get a new one?

FTC Disclosure: 

Our Extreme Feline Makeover series is sponsored by Merrick Pet Care, and we have received both food and a small fee to compensate us for each post. This covers the time it takes to take photos and write our progress reports.
Every sponsored post on A Tonk's Tail will always reflect our honest and unbiased opinions. Merrick Pet Care is not responsible for the content of this article, and Purrfect Bistro flavors are not specifically formulated for weight management.
This effort is part of an overall health and wellness regime for Allie. 


  1. Way to go & well done glam girl. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Concats! I know how hard this is if you love food like I do!

  3. Good for you Allie. Keep up the good work. Erm, why didn't you lie on your license - don't most humans?

  4. Excellent work Allie. Got to say we fell in love with all these photos as well. Wishing you good luck on your continued journey to slim and trimness! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  5. That's awesome! My cat bro Bert has been on a diet forever, but he has slimmed down to almost his original healthy weight. He is on a special diet for urinary issues, so he can't try the Merrick stuff. We dogs eat Merrick and love it!

  6. Congratulations on the weight loss Allie! So how much did you have to pay Maxwell to be the Muscle?

  7. Yous awe lookin' quite luvly. So glad yous healffy and happy and dat yous like da good noms. And of course da playin', hav fun. :)

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  8. uh...did we just see de burd werd in thiz post...

    TURKEE ????!!!!

    conga ratz two ewe allie.... ewe IZ lookin svelte & gorgeous ♥

  9. Wow! It's a good thing that you could hire security! MOL! ☺

  10. Allie...I also am on a DIE-t...our kibble is GONE and it's wet fuuds only with nothing but dehydrated chikken (stingily doled out) to crunch on! How do you DO it?

    Hungrily, Salem xx

  11. You ARE looking mighty fine Allie! Keep up the good work :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  12. Way to go, Allie! You're looking so good that the mancats of the blogosphere aren't going to be able to resist you.

  13. Whoohoo! Way to go, Allie! We're curious...what's your favorite flavor of the Merrick's Bistro?

  14. Wow, congratulations on your weight loss Allie. I know it's really hard to do and takes a lot of commitment from the entire family.

  15. You look lovely, Allie! Good luck on your journey.

  16. Concatulations on your weight-loss Allie ! You look gorgeous ! Purrs

  17. Congratulations, Allie!
    You're doing SUCH a great job.
    Nothing could possibly make you more beautiful, but if a little less weight will make you healthier, we think that's purrfectly awesome!


  18., can you help me shed about 10 extra pounds? *cough-cough-Waffles-cough*

  19. Oh girlfriend, you are looking goooood! I can tell! Maybe you can get those Merrick folks to send my gal pal Scylla some of your faces to try. She has also been working on her ummmmm....let's call it her 'waistline' challenge, na'mean??

  20. Awesome news. Way to go, Svelty Allie!


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