Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Tooth Fairy's REAL. (part 1)

She's REAL. And she lives in Maine. Or is it Massachusetts?
Or maybe she just got snowed in while delivering toys to other kitties and had to use the regular post to deliver her gifts.

Anyways, kitties, she CAME!
And my fangs that momma put in my cat tree bed are, like, gone and stuff.

*whispers* She's really REAL.

Faraday: She said to share, Maxie.
Maxwell: I can read, dood.
Faraday: Uh, no you can't, actually.

Well she brought us loads of cool wand toys and feather-butt mousies and stuff. Who else would do that?

Ellen would, that's who. Didn't you see?
She must have been concerned that the Tooth Fairy would get snowed in too, on account of she's probably got elebenty zillion inches of snow at her own house and she knows how that goes.

But on to the TOYS, kitties. Oh, the toys....

: Step back, Faraday. I'm going in!

: *impatient noise* Well, Maxie...?
Maxwell: *echo-y voice* Dood, we hit the Motherlode!

Faraday: Wait, is this like that Narnia closet? Bigger on the inside?

Maxwell: oooh, a pawesome white one.

Faraday: I'll just be taking this blue 'n' red one off your paws, Maxie.

: s'okay, dood. I've got the blue 'n' yellow one.

Uh, but maybe no one better touch the pink one... You know how Allie gets about PINK.

Faraday: mmmmrmph? What's that, Maxie? I'm kinda busy right now with this feather-butt mousie....

THANK YOU, TOOTH FAIRY (aka Aunt Connie)!

Kitties! There's more to this story.
Stay tuned for Part 2, tomorrow!

March book sales help find homes for the cats at Great Plains SPCA.

Each copy of Rescued you buy from us
comes with an autographed bookplate
from Ryker, the star of "Ryker's Rescue,"
customized just for you..

Thank you!


Check out our Catster Article!
 (Yeah, our mom's gettin' her GEEK on again...MOL!)



  1. Aren't Connie and Ellen just the sweetest??? Looks like you kids hit the motherlode!!!

  2. oh carp.. that tooth shot.. I'm now deaded from laughing so hard I couldn't catch my breath..

  3. That is so very nice. You guys are obviously well loved

  4. How kind of the tooth fairy aka Aunt Connie. Motherlode indeed. Enjoy. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. awwww - how nice of the "tooth fairy" to use the post office. And Miss Ellen to make sure you didn't get missed. We agree with Miss Connie...that fang picture is priceless

  6. You kittehz did hit the motherlode!
    Maybe we should start pulling teeth around here.... hmmmmm.

  7. That is just awesome! And you did share some with Faraday at least. Good boy Maxie.

  8. That's awesome! Hope I never need to lose my chompers but if I do, I will get a reward.

  9. What great gifts you've got! Love those pictures, especially the one Maxwell is playing with white feather :-)

  10. Wow, that's going to keep your Momma playing with you forever and ever...
    Love Maxwell's picture with the lower canines (errr.. catnines)

  11. *squee*
    Oh boys you have just the most adorable faces!!
    We are so glad you got a surprise visit from the actual Toof Fairy!

  12. guys !! total lee awesum...oh de tooth fairy & 15 & meowing...thiz iz like Christmas in joo lie but two earl lee coz a march N two late coz oh decemburr....way awesum toys &... FANGS dood for de foto !! ☺

    N pleez ta tell yur mom ion balance comez frum jeanz...if de jeanz R knot de rite kinda jeanz then de ion balance goes outta wack coz it haz nothin ta balance with...hope this helped ♥♥♥


  13. I didn't know another tooth fairy lived up Norh :) That is too funny that we both reminded you to share. Thanks for posting.

  14. That is so awesome! When Binga had her dental a couple of years ago, she was so hungry when she got back she forgot to leave her two lost teeth for the tooth fairy!

  15. Pawsome ! It's so cool you had a visit from the Tooth Fairy ! Purrs

  16. That Tooth Fairy is something else! She brought you some really pawsome toys. They look like a lot of fun.

  17. *claps paws together* what a great package!! Pawsome Maxwell. And I always knew the tooth fairy was real!

  18. We ard VERY impressed by the Tooth Fairy! Good taste in toys...

  19. OMC! This makes us want to lose some teef! (Not really....)

  20. Woohoo!! The Tooth Fairy sure is generous! Enjoy!

  21. You all hit the motherlode of toys for sure. We had no idea the Tooth Fairy brought goodies to cats. Each and every one of these photos is precious. Enjoy your loot. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  22. That's awesome stuff from The Tooth Fairy!

  23. Wow,,,,it looks like that might have been the "event of the season" !

  24. Shhhh! We've met the Tooth Fairy (uh, Aunt Connie) ...and she's got a line on ALL the cool stuff!
    : )


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