Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thursday's Purrs: Binkie

"Well hello there! My name is Binkie and, I don't mean to brag, but I'm one of the most popular guys at Wayside."

"I was found as a stray, but clearly I was someone's pet before, because I love people so much. (uhh, betcha can't tell now, can you?)"

me, being all sassy and cute and stuff.

"People say I'm one of the most beautiful cats at Wayside, too, although right now I look a little bedraggled because I've been shaved.

You see, when I came to Wayside, I had such a bad case of fleas, that was the best way to give me some relief. But when my hair grows back in, look out!"

pet mah belleh, anyone?

"I was also very skinny when I came here, but I'm gradually putting on some weight. I can't put into human words what all I went through out on my own, but I do want you to know that I'm so happy now to be around people.

I'm an affectionate guy who gives wonderful headbutts. I also give great paw massages! Seriously, if you could use a shoulder rub, I'm your guy. Come a bit closer ... I can allllmost reach you!"

kitty massage, anyone?

"My Felineality is Sidekick, which means that my favorite thing in life is to just hang around with my favorite person or people. Do you think that could be you? I'm conducting interviews now at Wayside!

Binkie's available and ready to begin his great adventure - at Allie's Alma Mater, Wayside Waifs.



  1. You are such a little sweetheart!!! I would love one of your paw massages :)

  2. Binkie, you seem like a sweetie pie. All the best in finding you forever home.

  3. You deserve the best of everything and we're sure purring for you to get your forever home soon!

  4. We hope you find the purrfect forever home soon.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Binkie, I can tell that you will be the awesomest pal for some lucky human!

  6. Hello Binkie, glad you are someplace safe. I too was on the run for a while. Now I have a wonderful home. Hope you find your home soonest.

  7. You are adorable - I can see why you're so popular. I'm sure you won't be living at Wayside for much longer.

  8. You're really handsome, Binkie, and you're going to be a great sidekick for a lucky family!

  9. dood !!!! iz yur last name o cat...coz we could bee cuzinz.....ewe iz one total lee handsum dood N we all hope yur spendin new yeerz eve in yur new for everz home; chillaxin witha ham samich ore 9... N ringin in de new yeer with sum cat grazz ~~~ de veree veree best oh all fishez two ewe ~~~~~~~~~ butter lover boomer o cat N de crew ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  10. Binkie, I'm a Binky too..I'm a lady and you are a COOL is that? We send Good Luck Pawkisses to find a furrever home soon <3 <3 <3


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