Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Little Chilly Around Here

Allie! That's so adorable!
Awwww, she looks like a little Russian girl from the shtetl.

Allie: I wouldn't have to, Mother, if you'd turn the heat up.

Point taken.

Has it been cold where you are? It was -9˚ here on New Years' Eve.



  1. It's freezing here! We're spending most of our time next to the hot air blowing thing.

  2. We know why Manny and Chili Bruce spend so much time curled up together! This cold is brutal.

  3. You are a very resourceful girl, Allie.

    No it isn't cold here in France. It is in the mid-40s. But we have been having bad storms with high winds and lots of rain. Quite unpleasant.

    The Chans

  4. Yes, it's been -15 or so most mornings, but three more days and we will be back to 20, yahoo!!! Stay warm!

  5. It has been cold here in Maryland, but at least it's been above 0, unlike many places farther north! The cats are staying in warm, cozy places.

  6. It's been pretty typical southern California winter weather here - meaning not cold to the rest of the country! In fact, my human was running errands last night wearing just a very light sweater. It was probably upper 50s.

  7. Brrr, it's been cold here too! Not DAT cold though.

  8. yep we are equally as cold! It's winter! Keep warm!

  9. You do look adorable, Allie! (Cold? Oh yes. Saturday's predicted high is 5 below!)

  10. We had -14 Monday night-brrrr! Allie is a cutie.

  11. Brrr, that's cold ! It's not very cold, but we have stormy winds and heavy rain here : storm Burglind hit us on Wednesday. Purrs

  12. It has been cold enough 'round here, lately, to freeze one's whiskers off, for sure. Today though, it's much milder. Unfortunately, that's on account of the storm. It was snowin' this mornin' and now, it's rainin' and the wind is howlin' like it has never howled before. MOUSES!

  13. Good thinking, Allie. Stay warm! It's bitterly cold here, too. Tomorrow's supposed to be, like, 1 degree, with a windchill of -20. Yikes.

  14. No, but we like being under blankets anyway!

  15. No, but we like being under blankets and things anyway!

  16. It was -12 here the other night when petcretary was driving home from work...and later in the early morning before she got out of her nest, the weatherpeeps said it was -17F, Brrr!!!


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