Saturday, March 10, 2012

Our Five Fave Tweets: March 2012

Since most of you only know us through blogging...
And since this blog sprang from our presence in the twitterverse...

We're happy to present to you a new monthly series:

Our Five Fave Tweets!

*drum roll pleeeez*

My 1st Law of Sociology: Dominance over Humans requires access 2 highest platform in living space (top of fridge, closet shelf, balancing on top of shower door -- ooh that last one REALLY gets'em going!)

Fickleness = Feline Prerogative. "No, no. Those treats as SO YESTERDAY. Today it's Cream. Please DO try to Keep Up...*sigh*"

Look, it's 3 AM and that glass of water on your nightstand is MUCH closer than my waterbowl-- WHADDAYA MEAN YOU DON'T SHARE? *sniff* Humans.

So Momma. SERIOUSLY. Do you have to have clothes out of dryer This Very Minute? I swear there's a towel calling my name -- s'cuse me *burrows undercover*

*snif snif* WHAT? Eau de Evil Neighbor Cat on Mother's hands?!? AAAAIEEE! BETRAYED BY MY OWN FLESH AND-- oh I...I...feel faint....



  1. It's so nice to see CJ giving his human the catitude she undoubtedly deserves when she has a camera in her hands! Shows that he is healing!

    1. yes we give him two paws up - WAAAY up! - for his catitude!!

  2. You guys make me laugh with your Tweets - you really do!

    Oh and thanks for the CJ pic, that poor cat is a real miracle, a true and small hero. As is your mum for keeping us up to date - we are grateful.

  3. Thanks for that new picture off CJ. He has so much spunk. Poor baby - what a hero he is. He's healing nicely,

    1. Yes, we think the expression on his face is TOTAL spunk!

  4. The tweets are brill :)

    Good old CJ! He's a trooper x

  5. We love you CJ! So glad to hear you're healing.

  6. I'm sooo in lover with CJ! Love those Twitter quotes, especially Allies. I feel her pain when TW comes home reeking of outdoor cat.

    1. Allie: Don't you know it, girlfriend! Those humans are sooo *sniff* insensitive!

  7. Haha! We love that last tweet!! And CJ is looking great!!

    1. FaRADaY: oh that's Allie for you, the Resident Drama Queen, MOL!


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