Wednesday, May 21, 2014

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: the Katnip Lounge

The Baby, snoozing on a cool, rustic cat tree

Rupert, hanging out up high

Sweet Kona Kitty, snoozing in a heated bed (get a look at those gorgeous green eyes!)

Maui, just hangin' around. More gorgeous green eyes....

Salem.  (Can we get away with saying "large and in charge"...?  ;-)

Tiny Johnson, in Katnip Dad's arms. Wow, emerald green eyes!

And we love this peekaboo photo of Kona :-)

Tour Guide Trish in the middle, surrounded by envious cat ladies.
This is soooome catio - see for yourself in the video below!



  1. Very lovely kitties. I like large and in charge!

    Ruby and Angel Pip

  2. Love that Katnip Lounge, and interesting to see some of the human faces of some of the cat blogs too.

  3. Great photos - thanks for sharing! And thanks for the descriptions. I can't always tell which kitty is which and what they're up to.

  4. Pawsome photos from the Katnip Lounge !
    Looks like all the Crazy catladies had a grreat time :)


  5. LOVED THE VIDEO and photos! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Great pictures and video! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Wonderful photos! This looks amazing!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing - great to see some of the humans behind the bloggies!

  9. guys... tell yur mom manee thanx for sharin de pick sures & de video....looks like everee one hada grate grate time !!

  10. Nice seeing all the kitties and the ladies. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. That is so much fun! We loved seeing your pictures, and the awesome video, of the catio. It's almost like we were there. :)

  12. This looks like my kinda place!

  13. You got some really awesome photos of the kitties! My human had loads of fun there too when she did her tour.

  14. Beautiful pictures ! That lounge looks like the best lounge ever ! Purrs

  15. What a great place for the cats to take life easy!

  16. Such a cool place! And thanks for sharing that video - it was nice to put faces to some of the names and blogs that we follow! :)

  17. I should send my cat bro Bert as he is nipped out most of the time!

  18. We loved it! Your video was terrific and we loved that you had everyone introduce themselves! It is so wonderful to meet the humans behind the cats! Oh what camera do you use?

    1. I use a Sony NEX-F3 and have a Nikon adapter with a few prime lenses. I'm shopping for a Nikon d600 at the moment, though. But I love many things about the Sony: it's mirrorless so it has s 4/3 sensor instead of a full one, but it's very lightweight. And the built in flash is on a spring and you can manually pull it back to bounce it for fill.

  19. Fantastic pictures of the Lounge kitties! Uh, I think Mini-Cloon was having way too fun of a time without me!

  20. Great photos. We love that you got a video. (Of *course* you would have thought to get a video, unlike the rest of the shutterbugs!)

  21. Such magnificent photos - love them all!

  22. Okay next time you're coming to my house to capture the boys too!! Such lovely pics!!

  23. Yo! I got green eyes too. Stunning green eyes, if you haven’t noticed. Nice shots of the Lounge krew. Next time you’re in NY/NJ maybe you can take MY pic, if you can fit into my office UTB. MOL!

  24. What a great tour. Boy would my four guys love that place! And I am still mesmerized by Tiny Johnson's eyes!!!

  25. You got some GREAT photos of the Lounge cats...and the video was fabulous! What a great time we had! ~Island Cats mom

  26. Lisa, these photos are so spectacular. I am so jealous every time I see more photo of the Lounge kitties. Having to miss my trip there on Sunday was the biggest disappointment of my entire stay in LV as I doubt I will ever have the opportunity again. Thank you so very much for sharing. XO, Janet

    1. We missed you terribly! I'm so very sorry that scorpion found your leg - how rotten to have your stay end on such a note. :-(

  27. Great photos! The Catnip Lounge looks like the place to be :) All of the cats appear to be very happy there.

  28. We TOLD TBT to go there, but NO... It was too far. NOW he knows what he missed out on...

  29. Awwww.... I LOVE this!!!
    Your photos are FAB!!! I'm living vicariously through them wishing I had been able to make it to the Catio Tour. We're excited to see that The Baby's auction is off to a great start!

  30. I LOVE 'large and in charge' What a phrase ROFL!! Lovely to see all the ladies too - thank you for being kind enough to appear in the video for us all to see.

    and we bid in something blingy in the auction, but we may get outbid * sob *

    Harvey, Miranda and Silver

  31. That was so much fun. Let's do it again!

  32. We want to go!!! Wat a bootiful place wif bootiful are green eyes a requirement? Mom has green eyes and I can use my green-eye itty bitty kitteh contacts! Hellooooo hooomans! Yoo bootiful too!

  33. Great photos of the kitties and the moms!

  34. Yeah! Great pics of the kitties and glad we got to see "live" pics of some of the Moms! Thanks guys!


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