Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Groundhog "Job Shadow" Day

Maxwell: Doot-da-dum-de-dum ...
Nope. No shadow here. Nada. Nothing to see, move along, Winter.

Oh, hullo. Just practicing for tomorrow. I plan to job shadow Mister Groundhog.
You know, make sure he makes the right predictions and all.

Just call me Punxsutawney Maxwell.

February 2: Groundhog Job Shadow Day.
It's a Thing.
(and it's actually pretty cool, too!)



  1. Try and do a good job, Maxie, I'm done with winter. 😛

  2. You sure look much better that Phil too!

  3. Really...that's a thing. If so, PURRLEASE make certain that old groundhog DOES NOT see his shadow, Maxie. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  4. dood...if a studentz had ta shadow de food servizz gurl at her place oh employ.... they wood never wanna werk at a ********* place...... even if they waz paid a bazillion a yeer !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  5. that is some impressive light work on those photos.
    are you preparing to block his shadow from him? please say you are..

  6. Who needs a groundhog when Maxie's on the job?

  7. Excellent prediction. You just continue to not see your shadow while you're job-shadowing, and make sure the groundhog does the same!

  8. We don't care what he says about the weather, we just want to chase and catch him!

  9. Awesome job, Maxie! We sure hope that works out ... we're ready for some spring!

  10. I'm not sure about wishing for an early spring...most of our winter has been spring!

  11. That sounds like a fun job, Maxwell. So where's Phil?

  12. We like the no more winter prediction.

  13. We are placing our bets on you Maxie :)

  14. We hadn't heard of groundhog job shadowing. What a great idea! Maxie, it looks like you've got this one figured out, too.

  15. Maybe job unshadowing would be better fur us kitties so we can have some springtime sunbeams??!


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