Monday, February 13, 2017

Not Quite the Buddy System ...

Faraday: Make way, coming in ...

Faraday: *nudges Maxie* Maxie, can you, like, move a little to your --
Maxwell: *sigh-h-h* (shifts right)

Faraday: Well it's not my fault you're too bony, Maxie. Seriouslies.
Maxwell: Dood. Can you just settle down already?

Faraday: Well, fine, if you insist. 

*glares at Mommy* What?
Maxie doesn't mind, do you, Maxie.
*long-suffering pause*

The Mom: Well, seeing as Thursday's National Do a Grouch a Favor Day, looks like your brother's doing you a solid, kiddo.

Faraday: I'll pee on your shoes later, Mommy.



  1. That's adorable!! MOL @ National Do a Grouch a Favor day....who knew there was such a thing. Ut oh on the shoes!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  2. hahaha..... if it makes you boys feel any better, the kittens were doing this yesterday at the adoption event

  3. My cats don't do that kind of thing. They start throwing punches when they want to get their way, and one of them ends up leaving.

  4. allie...mys stars girl, you have my utmost ........well, something; I thought
    ONE brother was bad enough ~~~~~~~~ hugs from dai$y =^..*= ♥♥♥

  5. You are such cuties, you are lucky to have a good brother.

  6. Bentley would have grumped Pierre right off the chair. Pee S~ Hide your shoes. ☺

  7. OMC, this is just too adorable! The future of shoes, not so much.

  8. We love that second photo of you boys! You are both very handsome (and one of you is also very accommodating!) :p

    Hi to your Mama from ours :D She hopes your Mama is doing well these days! Our Mama hasn't been visiting as much as she would like but she thinks of your Mama and hopes she is well. XO

    the critters in the cottage xo

  9. Looks like somekitty has ants in his pants!

  10. You boys make me laugh!
    I never would have suspected Maxwell is bony.

  11. OMC you two are so cute! There is plenty room but you'd rather concentrate on that spot and snuggle :-)

  12. OMC!!! Jostling fur the bestest spot in the chair...around here that would be followed by a yowl, a hiss and maybe a whap...and then one or the other woud go find another spot to give stinkeye grumps from...MOL!


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