Friday, August 11, 2017

A Little Construction Advice

A few weeks ago, construction began on our house as we had a few windows replaced.
Some kitties wisely decided to retreat from all the loud noise and chaos.

And then there's Maxwell.

Part I: Deconstruction
Maxwell: ... and after you remove that one, there's another storm window over here ....

Maxwell: Ah, yes. Very good. Very good.

Maxwell: Dood, I think you missed a screw. No, down here, in this corner ....

Maxwell: Yeah, that's the ticket. Now, after you remove that one ....

The crew was entertained by Maxie's "dedication" to the project!

We'll show you the "after" photos soon.




  1. Good job supurrvising, Maxwell.

  2. Hahahaha. One time the lawn care people were doing something right in front of our bedroom window ... all of a sudden, I hear one of the guys cursing about "that damn cat who's watching everything." Yep. That's right. You steal his rosebush (the one he likes to hide behind in the garden when he escapes and doesn't want me to catch him) and there's going to be hell to pay!

  3. well someone has to make sure they are doing it right (that would be Mo in our house)

  4. When my friend was building our catwalk, one of the cats loved supervising and was great at finding dropped screws.

  5. Good job, Maxwell! Hoomins need to be monitored constantly...

  6. Maxie and my engineer-cat Mr. Sunshine have much in common when it comes to supervising work done on the house, including the man cutting up the old cast-iron tub with a Sawzall because it was the only way to get it through the door. He also steals my tools when I'm working on projects or framing.

  7. Good for you Maxwell making sure the humans do their job right.xπŸΎπŸΎπŸΎπŸ˜ΈπŸ’•

  8. Maxwell, you're like Crockett - he always wants to snoopervise what's going on.

  9. dood....he better hope he did de job rite two......get "de brain" out afturr him N see who laffz last even if he waz knot laffin... ya noe ~~~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  10. Maxwell, I'm sure you were a fantastic supervisor. The windows look great.

  11. Too cute! I can almost see him putting on a tool belt and lending a paw to the project :)

  12. Maxie, sometimes not being able to hear has its advantages, doesn't it?

  13. Snoopervision, always needed for these people.

  14. Excellent snoopervising! That is too cute :)

  15. Great snoopervising, Maxie! When we had our living room painted a few years ago, I made sure the worker guys did a good job too. ~Wally

  16. Great job snoopervising, Maxwell ! What will he do if you were not here to help him ! Thanks to you, we bet the result is going to be amazing ! Purrs

  17. Excellent snoopervising. You can't watch those guys too carefully. And also inneresting because TBT is thinking of doing the same thing. Our original cheap windows are 30 years old and he can't even open some of them.

  18. We went through that process in 2007, and replaced all the windows. It was fun to make sure the furs were in the room where the workers were not, MOL!

    In days gone by other of our angel kitties would have been like Maxwell...they were right in the tool boxes if they had access:)

  19. Meowy good job, Maxwell. I have to watch my mommy all the time to make sure she's not messing up the house again.
    "Charles, I didn't mess up the was a fire, remember? Now, we have all this space and you have lots of room to spread out."
    Sure, Mommy.

    Snuggles from Charles and his mommy, Anna

  20. Haha! These photos remind me my mom's cat lady. She was really sociable and when we had loggia renovation she was staring at worker. He really liked her and sometimes he played with her through the closed window, she tried to catch his finger :P It looked really funny :)

  21. Looks like he needs to go get a job in construction and bring home some of those green papers for the family!

  22. Excellent job, Maxie. Hey, somebuddy's gotta make sure the job is done to specs!

  23. Max that was superb! You are the cat for the job of snoopervising.

  24. Oooh I say, maxwell, dude, you are so talented and way better a site manager than my peep. Are you available to project manage my extension, and there is a vacancy going for PM, I think quite soon which you would be brilliant at!

  25. MOL :D Good to have cats like you around, Maxwell :D Pawkisses :) <3

  26. there is some total benefits to not being able to hear really well


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