Monday, August 7, 2017

International Cat Day #FAIL

(we join our story in progress....)

Faraday: This cat bed sure isn't very comfy, Allie. Good thing Mommy didn't buy it for me.
Allie: *sigh* That's my new litterbox, Brat. And I don't recall inviting you to sit inside it, either.

 Faraday: Well I don't see your name on it anywheres, so I think I'll just stay right here.
Allie: We'll see about that.

Faraday: ... what? That's it? No smacky-paw?

Allie: I just had my nails done, Brat. You're not worth messing up a pedicure over.
 No, that's what the hired help is for.
Faraday: Hired--- hey! Maxie?!?!

*cue well-placed nip*
Faraday: Owww! Fine, awright, it's yours, Allie. Quiddit, Maxie!

 Faraday: Why me, Maxie? I thought we were brothers and stuffs.
Maxwell: Yeah, well, dood ... Allie said she'd give me all her turns with the wand toy for a whole week.

Besides ... I'm not the one who thought a litterbox was a cat bed.

Faraday: That's cold, Maxie. Stone cold. *sniff*



  1. geez - you can't trust anyone these days MOL

  2. So bribery is an option around there. Hmmmmmmm

  3. Poor Faraday! You can't catch a break today.

  4. Clearly all is fair in love war hammocks and wand toys, but not litter boxes. Maxwell you rock, dude.... or was that just the hammock that moved?

  5. The litter box looks like a box since it is empty which must be why you want it for your own.

  6. dood....for what itz werth...we thinked dad hada peace oh equip mintz in de a shovel bull dozer kinda thing......just sayin ~~ ♥♥

  7. Ouch! That looks like it may have hurt a little.

  8. That litter box doesn't look comfy at all. It's hard to say no to extra wand toy time, isn't it?

  9. So you can be bought, Maxie. We'll remember that. :)

  10. MOL, that wasn't nice, Maxwell ! Purrs

  11. You know what they say ... bros before hoes and all. I love seeing all three kitties together. Maybe you should give Maxie an offer he can't refuse, Faraday ;)

  12. Wow. We guess every kitty has their price, huh? :)

  13. Oh dear...somecat got the short end of the wait, I meant the paw, today...I bet no one will be sitting in that new cat-box when there is litter in it...

  14. Humor is the best medicine. Animals are great source of it. Having pets at home gives you free shows. best automatic litter box


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