Monday, February 3, 2014

Update on Maxwell

We made an unscheduled trip to the emergency vet last night, as our sweet Maxwell took a tumble off the fireplace mantel where he was sleeping soundly.

Until Faraday landed on him and knocked him off.

We had feared a broken leg or hip, based on his moaning and inability to walk, so we rushed him to Blue Pearl in Kansas City.

"B-b-but... I thought you were staying home with me today...?
Fortunately, all bones are intact, though he does appear to have some soft tissue injuries/tears. He's resting comfortably today, with medication to help alleviate his pain.

The doctor requested he be kept isolated for a week, so he's hanging out in the guest bedroom. And Marty's home with him today, too.

(So stop it with the guilt trip, Maxie!  LOL!)

Oh, and we made Faraday stay in with him to keep him company. As penance.

Update on the Update:

::::cue Mission Impossible music::::
"Your mission, Maxwell, should you choose to accept it, is to BREAK OUT OF THE GUEST BEDROOM." 

Spoof Momma's locked door: CHECK. 
Lock perp (aka Faraday) into said bedroom ALONE: CHECK. 
Set up sentinel duty as per usual: CHECK.


Papa just called Momma wanting to know why the guest bedroom door was CLOSED and I was OUTSIDE. That's, uh, not exactly the way she left it when she went to work.... *innocent look*


Maxwell's doing fine. He just wanted to be out, sitting at the top of the stairs, watching everything. Marty's making sure he doesn't move from that spot. (kind of the same location as in the above photo, actually!)


  1. Oh Maxwell, we are so relieved nothing was broken. It must have been so scary!
    Hey Faraday, be good, will ya? We know you didn't mean to hurt your Brofur but dude, you gotta play responsibly!

    Sending more purrs that Maxwell makes a full and complete recovery very quickly!

  2. Poor sweet boy, we hope he recovers quickly and completely. Sending love and hugs :-)

    PS - why isolation I wonder?

  3. Aw, poor Maxwell. We hope he heals quickly. And milks this for all it's worth. ;)

  4. Awww! Poor chap!! Sending healing purrs for Maxwell xox

  5. Awww, poor sweetheart. Purrs for speedy healing!

  6. That must have been so scary. We are glad that Maxie is feeling better, and that there was no break. Love, purrs and prayers for you, Maxwell.

  7. purrs for a quick recovery Maxwell. And we love your ingenuity - you escaped AND left Faraday inside. MOL

  8. Dood! What a rude awakening....and yoo hurt poor widdle Maxie. *soft paw pat* Very slick move getting out of isolation...wait Faraday was wif yoo, no wonder yoo wanted to git out, watch behind yoo tho cuz he may try and push yoo off da landing.
    Faraday m'boy...I nose yoo didn't mean it but I tink yoo may need itty bitty kitty glasses! Dat was Maxwell not least she would have bounced! *evil grin*

  9. So glad nothing was broken. Sending purrs for a quick recovery. Do as you are told Maxwell and take it easy.

  10. That's a relief. Tell Maxwell to share the good drugs if any is left over.

  11. OH Maxwell, mommy said she saw that on FB yesterday and has been worried. She didn't tell me till just now! MOM! How can I purr for anyone when you don't TELL me!!!

  12. We are so glad you were not hurt little one...Get some rest!
    Miss Kitty

  13. Maxwell, that photo of you makes you look so huggable and kissable and you are very adore- a-ble too!

    Furblings can be clued out some times! We hope you start feeling better with each passing day :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  14. Maxwell Smart! Glad it's not as serious as you thought.

  15. Maxwell, you are too smart for your own good! Although that wasn't in your recovery plan, I have to give you paws up for your escape! Feel better soon!

  16. tellement mignon et adorable sur la photo, bon rétablissement, câlins.
    Laurence Opale et Sonye

  17. Poor Maxwell!
    We purr he heals quickly :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  18. We are so glad it wasn't a break, Maxwell. Take it easy and don't let that brother of yours roughhouse with you until you're feeling better again.

  19. OMC Maxwell! We are sending healing purrs though it sounds like you are doing pretty well.

  20. Poor fella! Siblings can be rough that way. We hope you are feeling better soon! Sending lots of purrs your way.

  21. Good escape werk Maxwell! Allus a good idea ta close the door again behind ya. Hope all those hurted muscles heal fast.

  22. Well, aren't you the norty little patient, Maxwell! Good job on locking up the Perp--better him than you, Buddy! Sending you my most excellent purrs for an end to the hurty time! Use this time of rest to plot revenge.

  23. Aw, Poor Maxwell being pounced on while sleeping. I'm glad his injury wasn't too serious. Healing purrs coming your way.

  24. Glad the injury wasn't as serious as originally thought. Purrs for quick healing.

  25. We're SO glad he's going to be ok.
    Ok as in ok, ok, ...we know he's still got to live with Faraday.
    ; )

  26. I'm so glad to hear he's doing better. We're sending lots of healing purrs his way!

  27. Oh Darling Maxwell, so pawleazed NO bones broken, Youz just chillax now. Sending loads of slobbers xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  28. Wow! So glad nothing was broken. What a scare though.
    Well, now Maxwell got a little revenge on Faraday too... Pretty smart boy.
    Get well soon sweet boy!

  29. It is such a relief that nothing is broken and we are sending our big healing purrs and vibes Maxwell's way for a quick, easy and complete recovery!

  30. I bet that initial tumble scared you! I'm sure momma got all crazy lady when she heard you meow in pain.

    Glad to hear all is well though.

    I like a mom that doesn't underestimate her furbabies.

  31. Awww poor baby. We sure are happy to know that he will be okay once he heals up.

  32. Aw poor guy! Glad that he's OK.. I love that picture of him!


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