Friday, January 30, 2015

Allie's Fashion Faux Paws

Allie: Be sure to remind your humans that Ugly Sweater Day was in December.

*look of disgust*
You're not seriously planning to go out in public looking like that, Mother.

Oh, Fashion Police! We have an emergency on our paws...!

BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Awards

BlogPaws is seeking nominations for the blogs you think are
Best in Class and deserving of recognition.

Please take a moment to submit your favorite blogs in categories like: Best Cat Blog, Best Blog Post, Best Cause Blog and Best Blog Photo.

CLICK HERE to go to BlogPaw's nomination form.

We'd be honored if you chose us. The information you'll need to nominate us is HERE.

I know I speak for all my fellow bloggers when I say that having a judging panel consider all our hard work, bringing you articles that educate and entertain means so very much.

But the best thing? If we win, we win for our shelters, too. Each award brings hundreds of pounds of food to the winner's shelter. And that's the best part of all.


  1. That must have been a really ugly sweater if you can't even show it on the blog, Allie! We hope your human took your wise fashion advice.

  2. OMD that is funny. Careful mum the fashion police are on their way. Will go and nominate. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. It can't be that bad.We know your Mom has great taste- she chose you.

  4. Well, when you are born with the perfect sweater .....

  5. Oh boy. Good thing she has you to keep her straight, Allie!

  6. Poor Allie - not everyone can be as fabulous as you :)

  7. uz...therz noe sweater two ugly ta cover up de food serviss gurl... coz frank lee we saw her step outta de shower onze.... N we canna get de horrid image outta R headz.... noe matter what we think...

    heerz two a big-scale pomfret kinda week oh end ♥

  8. WE would really like to have judged this for ourselves, but we'll take your word for it, Allie.

  9. We can see you're upset up to the extremity of your whiskers, Allie ! That sweater should be very ugly... Purrs

  10. Mommy nominated your blog for Best Cat Blog. We think we should have been allowed to see that sweater and judge for ourselves it's degree of ugliness; though, we do trust your fashion sense, Allie. Even your whiskers look perturbed in this photo. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. As long as I don't have to be seen in public with her, I don't care what my human wears. When we are out together, however, she has to step up her game!

  12. Allie, forget what your human is wearing. As long as she keeps the food coming, it doesn't matter what she wears. And as Summer already has noted, it's okay when you don't have to be seen with her. Ha.

  13. Well, Allie, as I wear my tux all the time, I would tend to agree with you!!

  14. LOL! I think we've called them in several times as well, or simply refused to go out with Mom wearing something totally wrong!

  15. That look says it all, Allie! Did it convince your Mom to change?

  16. It must be a very ugly sweater if you doesn't even show us a picture on it *mol*


  17. It must be a terrible sweater judging by that look. Your whiskers are gorgeous though.

  18. She seriously needs to be taking fashion tips from you, Allie.


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