Thursday, January 29, 2015

When Toys Go Bad

Maxwell: Well hullo, pink toy.

Maxwell: What do you mean, "play with me"? Have you seen how possessive Allie is? She's whup my fuzzy butt if she caught me doing any such thing, she would.

Maxwell:  Wait. Is that her coming down the stairs? Quick, hide yourself!

(Uh, dood, can you say incriminating evidence?)

BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Awards

BlogPaws is seeking nominations for the blogs you think are
Best in Class and deserving of recognition.

Please take a moment to submit your favorite blogs in categories like: Best Cat Blog, Best Blog Post, Best Cause Blog and Best Blog Photo.

CLICK HERE to go to BlogPaw's nomination form.

We'd be honored if you chose us. The information you'll need to nominate us is HERE.

I know I speak for all my fellow bloggers when I say that having a judging panel consider all our hard work, bringing you articles that educate and entertain means so very much.

But the best thing? If we win, we win for our shelters, too. Each award brings hundreds of pounds of food to the winner's shelter. And that's the best part of all.


  1. Um, Maxwell, I think you need to hide that a little better!

  2. You better sit on that thing like you want to hatch it buddy

  3. dood...we dunno bout evidence but we due see a burd skin AND we wood bee happee ta nominates yur blog ♥♥

  4. Aaaaaaw Surely yous can find sumwhere to play dat she won't find you. Hav a gweat time.

    LLuv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  5. You'd better watch your fuzzy behind, Maxwell!

  6. Yikes Maxie, we think you might be busted...the nerve of that pink toy!

  7. Sometimes it's hard to hind those fluffy pink toys. Hope you weren't caught harboring that traitor. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth snd Calista Jo

  8. Mes would head for the hills bucko!!!

  9. Maxwell, if you grab the pink fuzzy toy and run really fast, Allie won't be able to catch up to you. Right?

  10. Better hide it good so you don't get caught!
    Lola and Lexy

  11. Good idea to hide it! The pink looks good with your furs! :)

  12. You're the one that needs to hide, Maxwell!

  13. Maxwell, you're in trouble, you need to hide that toy better ! Purrs

  14. Uh oh, looks like that sneaky toy has got you in BIG trouble.

  15. Sometimes fluffy pink toys just want to be found, Maxwell!!

  16. That's sure nice of you, Maxwell. But don't let Allie catch you with that toy!

  17. Uh oh! You've got a little pink showing. Perhaps a little "fluffing" would help make it fit a little better :)

  18. You need to engulf that toy a little bit more...we'll just call you a Toy Amoeba!

  19. I don't think you've got dat one hid good.


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